A proud grandson decided to share his grandmother's gaming achievement on Reddit after she completed The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, clocking in at 755 hours of playtime. The grandmother, who made her own Reddit account named GramieGreat, was quoted as saying, "I wonder if Nintendo  gives prizes for the longest time to complete Twilight Princess."

According to Reddit user millerischris, his video game playing grandmother isn't "hardcore" but she "absolutely LOVES Zelda." She was completely dedicated to finishing the game and would text her grandson often to share news about her progression and ask for tips. When she'd visit during holidays, he'd even help with certain challenges since Zelda's motion controls proved difficult for her. However, even with his help, she completed 99% of the work herself, including defeating the final boss on her own.

After GramieGreat created her own Reddit account, she offered some perspective on her accomplishment. Part of the reason she's only finishing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess now, beyond the large playtime itself, is that she took off several years of playing. She also admitted that, at 82-years-old, she had difficulty with the "fast reaction time needed."

In addition to playing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, GramieGreat says she's also played The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on the Super Nintendo and put at least 750 or more hours into Solitaire. When asked if she'd be moving onto The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, she confirmed that she's thinking about it. But she also noted that she'd have to learn a new system for that and she wasn't sure if she was up for it.

zelda twilight princess grandma text

The achievement of GramieGreat is a warm reminder that video games aren't meant for any single age group or demographic. Beating The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was an ordeal for this 82-year-old grandmother, but she still managed to overcome its challenges and share how much fun she had with her grandson.  It may have taken her over 10 years, the purchase of a new nunchuck and controller, and untold frustration, but she had fun along the way. That's a great message and it's no surprise the online gaming community connected with it.

Source: Nintendo Life