Players have discovered that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has an item duplication glitch that can help Link get rich quickly. The glitch can be a little complicated to activate, and may not work after future patches beyond the current version 1.1.0. If any prospective players out there looking to become a Hylian billionaire, it’s probably best to use this exploit now before it’s patched out of Tears of the Kingdom.

The Zelda franchise is notorious for the kinds of fun glitches that make for great viral videos. Earlier this year, players discovered a whole new glitch for Breath of the Wild that makes Link invincible and gives him infinite stamina. Exploiting various bugs in the world or a quirk in the mechanics is one of the reasons the Zelda speedrunning community is so massive.

RELATED: Zelda: Breath of the Wild Glitch Gets Players Infinite Materials

To pull off the item duplication glitch in Tears of the Kingdom players will need two bows and an item they want to duplicate that can be attached to an arrow tip using the Fuse ability. Attach an item to the arrow - in this case, one that can be sold for a lot of rupees, like a precious stone. Enter the inventory screen, then drop the equipped bow and equip a different bow. Now quickly press the “Plus” button twice in a row. Make sure the item is still attached to the tip of Link’s arrow on his character model in the item inventory screen. If it’s there, use the inventory screen to drop the equipped bow, then pick it up again. That’s it. Link should now have two bows and an additional version of the fused item. Continue so on and so forth and then sell the items for a massive profit.

Link sells a Diamond to a merchant in Tears of the Kingdom

A variation of the glitch involves duplicating undiscovered items, which are identified by the text box filled with question marks that pops up when Link is standing over them. Create an empty space in the inventory, and then equip an item to be replaced. Grab the unidentified item. When the item information text box appears on the screen, click the “Plus” sign on the controller to see the item in Link’s inventory. Hit the “Y” button to sort by type, then equip the item to be sacrificed. Exit out of the inventory, and then go back in to it and navigate the menu to select “Drop” to drop the item. Now pick up the dropped item. Link should be in possession of two of the undiscovered items.

In the Zelda community, exploiting glitches is so common that it might as well be a feature promoted on the box. But potentially game-breaking glitches like these, especially ones discovered so soon after release, might prompt Nintendo to patch them at any second. Prospective glitch exploiters out there who want to live the wealthy high life in Hyrule should jump on these immediately.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Succeeds On The Switch Where Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Failed

Source: IGN