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In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Link is able to use his new Ultrahand to assemble all kinds of contraptions to assist in his adventure. From Flying Machines to portable launchpads, Link has access to a truly incredible number of possible constructs.

Related: The Wildest Community Creations in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom So Far

One idea that many players will immediately consider in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is building Link a car, allowing him to speed across Hyrule at a fantastic pace fueled by his Zonai Power Cell. This is not only possible, but tremendously useful when navigating locales less amiable to horses, and especially when navigating the depths beneath Hyrule.

How To Build A Car

When building a simple car, Link will either need to find some wheels at a construction supply point, or ideally deploy some Zonai Wheels if capsules for them have been found. Zonai Wheels are slightly better since they will propel the vehicle forward once activated, meaning players won't need to provide additional propulsion (such as fans, sails, or rockets). Zonai wheels come in small and large varieties, which can be useful when designing vehicles that can skim through shallow water or roll over larger obstructions.

Players will also need to find something to form the main body of the car and attach the wheels to. While this can be achieved using a wood panel from a construction supply point or a log from a felled tree, players could also use a Zonai Sled as the body for a car, since they can be acquired as capsules and deployed as needed.

Finally, players who want to be able to steer their car are going to need a Zonai Steering Stick, which is a device found at certain dispensers around the game world. See this guide for more informaton on where to find them. Once installed on a vehicle Link can interact with the steering stick to ride the vehicle and instantly activate all Zonai devices attached to that vehicle. It also allows players to steer the vehicle using the left stick. Holding the stick backwards will slow the wheels to a stop and then reverse, while pushing it forward will accelerate.

With these basic components collected, players should position the wheels opposite each other on either side of the car's body, with two on each side. They can then place the steering stick in the middle of the car's body facing the front, and that's a basic car put together. One of the best places to get Car parts is the Device Dispenser in Ichikara Village.

Players can also add Zonai Lights, Flame or Laser Emitters, and other devices to their vehicle to customize it for their specific needs. Lights can be especially useful in the depths, and well-positioned weaponry can create a useful siege vehicle for assailing enemy camps. Large wheels and a non-wood body can create vehicles capable of wading through lava with ease, allowing for traversal of incredibly hostile areas without harm.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available for Nintendo Switch.