The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was released back in 2017 and took the open-world genre to new heights with its massive open-world, the ability to do just about anything in any order, and allowing players a sense of freedom rarely experienced in gaming. The game is so open and so massive that Breath of the Wild fans are still discovering new glitches and tricks in 2022. Just the thought of the size of the game is sometimes daunting to gamers, but a huge Zelda fan has now taken on a quest of his own: to create Breath of the Wild's Hyrule world in another popular game, Minecraft.

Minecraft has been out for over a decade now, and gamers have had their creative juices flowing ever since. Players take on new construction projects regularly, such as building Jorrvaskr Meadhall from Skyrim in Minecraft. A Zelda fan on YouTube is taking on a much bigger project than that though: he plans to create the entire world of Breath of the Wild in the game, and this isn't the first time he has attempted such a large project.

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YouTube user Grazzly posted a video to the platform of his progress five months ago called, "I'm Building ALL of Breath of the Wild in Minecraft (#1)." The video didn't have many turning heads at first but has recently picked up steam. As of this writing, the video now has over one million views. While impressive, the next update to this project didn't ever come and for a good reason: he had to scrap the entire project and begin again. Just when the project seemed dead, Grazzly posted the second part of his "I'm Building ALL of Breath of the Wild in Minecraft" series on August 4. While it remains to be seen if all of Hyrule's beautiful sky and lands will be created in Minecraft, Grazzly has now made progress by creating Kakariko and Hateno Village from the game.

In the video, Grazzly also mentions that he had to start the entire project over after he realized that there was not enough room for Kakariko Village and Hateno Village while scouting for the next part of the project. In the first part video he released, Grazzly scanned in the entire empty map of Hyrule. But he just didn't leave himself enough room to complete and fill Breath of the Wild's world, like the breathtaking Dueling Peaks or Death Mountain.

While the Minecraft project is ongoing and will be for quite some time, it is a testament to how massive and varied Breath of the Wild's Hyrule Kingdom actually is. Grazzly has now completed the Great Plateau and two villages, but he has quite a way to go on his quest to create all of Breath of the Wild's Hyrule Kingdom. Breath of the Wild's open world will continue to be explored in the sequel as well, so hopefully, this recreation is complete in time for Link's next adventure.

Minecraft is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: How Hyrule Manifests in Every Legend of Zelda Game

Source: Nintendolife