World of Warcraft has shared an overview page featuring information about the four major factions of Dragonflight: the Dragonscale Expedition, the Iskaara Tuskarr, the Maruuk Centaur, and the Valdrakken Accord. These factions are major players in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight's story, and raising Renown with them is a large part of endgame progression.

Like in Shadowlands, the Dragonflight factions each have their own Renown tracks that can be increased to unlock titles, cosmetics, achievements, and new features. However, unlike Shadowlands, characters do not join a single faction in Dragonflight–they can increase their Renown with all four at once. Additionally, World of Warcraft is allowing most Renown unlocks to be shared account-wide.

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The Dragonscale Expedition consists of the Alliance’s Explorers’ League and the Horde’s Reliquary. The two World of Warcraft factions have set aside their differences for the sake of knowledge in Dragonflight. Raising Renown with the Dragonscale Expedition grants players access to fast-traveling waygates and treasure-hunting tools, and can earn Dragon Isles Supplies to upgrade Exploration, Climbing, and Cataloguing abilities.

wow df renown track dragonscale expedition

The Iskaara are a tribe of the walrus-like Tuskarr who players aid in the Azure Span during Dragonflight. These kind and hearty folk teach players new ways to fish, grant them access to exclusive fishing holes, and improve their fishing tools. Once players use their harpoons, nets, and other special tools to catch the biggest fish, they can hand them in during the Community Feats event for awesome rewards and hearty meals.

The Maruuk centaur are a coalition of centaur who dwell in the Ohn’arhran Plains in Dragonflight. Though slow to trust, these centaurs can be won over with feats of skill and prowess. Players can do this by joining one of the 11 Grand Hunts and besting monstrous foes, or by aiding the nomadic centaur tribes as they move around the plains and offer special area-based quests. Players who impress the Maruuk can also gain special hunting animal companions, battle pets, and other unique rewards.

Lastly, the Valdrakken Accord is the alliance between the five major dragonflights in World of Warcraft. Centered in the dragon capital of Valdrakken in the Dragonflight zone of Thaldraszus, the Accord seeks to rebuild its foundations after thousands of years so it might shift focus towards protecting Azeroth once more. Players can raise their renown via Supply and Crafting Quests, Work Orders, Dragonriding races, and other exploration challenges. Additionally, World of Warcraft players can choose to support Wrathion or Sabellian in their bids for control of the Black dragonflight. While players will eventually be able to support both dragons, they can unlock special rewards and quests with each of them individually via weekly quests.

World of Warcraft is available on PC. Dragonflight launches November 28.

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Source: World of Warcraft