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Challenging word choices for today’s Wordle puzzle can lead players to think that the term may be too difficult for them to solve. This is especially the case for words like today’s Wordle term that have a tendency to become a bit more complex compared to usual words players encounter in the game. However, players don’t need to give up just yet, regardless if the word in question is relatively uncommon.

This is especially the case if there are certain clues and hints they can use to make the solving process much easier for them. Sometimes, the best solutions for this puzzle simply require players to find the right strategies. However, just what kind of approach do players need to do in order to maximize the solving process?

RELATED: Wordle For October 28, 2022: 5-Letter Words Starting With SN

What It Means

Wordle - Divider-8

If word puzzle experts need some tips regarding this particular Wordle challenge, perhaps knowing its meaning can help them overcome this predicament much faster. After all, an inkling of the puzzle’s meaning can lead players to useful insights and may lead to the word's identity. This word pertains to the forceful throwing of something out, usually in a sudden or violent manner. Mechanically-speaking, this may refer to dropping something out of removal or forcibly removing someone out of an aircraft. Likewise, this may pertain to compelling someone to leave a location, dismiss someone from the office, or emit something.

Technical Clues

While players are more than capable of figuring out Wordle puzzles through definitions alone, sometimes the assurance of another clue wouldn’t hurt. In this case, knowing the terms’ technical components could allow players to make more useful inferences and figure the challenge term much faster. Clues players may want to consider are the following:

  • This word has two (2) syllables
  • This word is a verb

Suggestions For Starting Words

Starting word puzzle fans have a difficult time with today’s Wordle challenge, they might want to get to know some more useful clues such as starting words. Knowing these words can not only give players the right letters to the puzzle, but also identifying their right placements. Here are suggested starting words:


5-Letter Words Ending With CT

Players stuck trying to solve the Wordle challenge for today may want to consider a more straightforward clue, such as that of similar words. In these situations, knowing words close to the puzzle solution may help players create more efficient guesses and avoid wasting all their daily trials. The word for this puzzle ends with -CT, of which there are 20 five-letter words that fit this format:


Wordle is available on browsers.

MORE: Wordle: The Best Strategy For The Game