Puzzle enthusiasts will have Wordle to entertain them for potentially hours on end with its once-a-day word challenges, a task masked especially intriguing since players only have six tries to find the answer. As such, certain Wordle puzzles can end up much trickier than usual to resolve. But tricky is still solvable, especially with the right guides.

In this case, perhaps identifying the word’s meaning, technical clues, and other similar words may be enough to help crack this puzzle. This article will show players how to solve Wordle 378 for July 2, 2022.

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Wordle - Divider What It Means

Players who want to solve Wordle puzzles much faster may wish to rely on the word’s definition first. That way, they can easily start identifying 5-letter options that fit the scope of the dictionary definition provided for the puzzle in question.

This Wordle challenge describes a term that is rather specific. It mainly pertains to a kind of heron or a type of long-legged freshwater bird. This type of heron, in particular, has white plumage, with these plumes becoming rather long during their breeding season. In terms of symbolism, they pertain to balance, strength, long life, and concentration.

Technical Clues

Perhaps it could also help other players to look into other elements of the Wordle puzzle aside from its definition. For instance, knowing the Wordle challenge’s technical components could figure out other elements such as its usage and nature as a word. These things could lead to more nuanced guesses. Here are things to consider:

  • The word is a noun, and is an animal in particular.
  • The word has two syllables.
  • Two letters of this word are the same.

Suggestions For Starting Words

Whereas technical clues and definitions might be enough for others, perhaps knowing some more straightforward aspects of the Wordle puzzle might make it easier to resolve. In this regard, perhaps identifying ideal starting words could help with solving the puzzle. For this particular Wordle challenge, good starting words would be:


5-Letter Words That Start In EG

Players who still don’t have the answer to the puzzle shouldn’t give up just yet since there is another step that can be taken before calling it a day. It may help identify some words close to the Wordle solution. The Wordle puzzle starts in EG-, and there are seven five-letter words that fit this configuration. Here are those terms:


Wordle is playable via browser.

MORE: 5-Letter Words Starting with IN