Wordle is one of the most viral games of 2022, and players from all over the world log on at midnight to pit themselves against the five-letter English word of the day. However, some have yet to play this word puzzle game, so here are some hints, the rules of the game, and even the complete answer for today's puzzle.

How To Play Wordle

Wordle is an easy-to-learn but hard-to-master word puzzle game that is browser-based. Players can head to the New York Times Games Wordle website from just about any device, making it accessible and currently free. Here are the rules of how to play.

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Choose a starting Wordle word and type it into the website. To help choose the perfect starter, these are the rules for all Wordle answers:

  • Wordle words are always five-letters long.
  • They are always real English words.
  • The NYTs censored all the potentially offensive words from Wordle, so players shouldn't start with slurs, curse words, or similar. For raunchier answers, players should check out the popular Wordle clone called Lewdle.
  • The answers are almost always the American version of the word. For example, players should choose FIBER over FIBRE.
  • While players can guess with plural nouns like BIRDS, the answers won't be plural.

Type the starting word into the site and press enter. The letters will chance colors to give players clues on how to proceed.

  • Green letters are right and in the right place in the word.
  • Yellow letters are right but in the wrong place in the word.
  • Gray letters are incorrect and won't appear in the answer.

Players have six total tries to get to the answer using these clues. Puzzles reset at midnight local time, meaning there is only one puzzle per day.

Hints for the Wordle 338 for May 23, 2022

Today's Wordle word of the day is fairly straightforward, but here are some hints for players that want them:

  • Just like the Wordle answer 337 for May 22nd, this word contains no duplicated letters.
  • It can be either a noun or a verb.
  • This word is one of the many Wordle words ending in E.
  • It begins with the letter H.
  • It contains a total of two vowels.
  • It also has one N.
  • There is also one G in the word.

Answer for Wordle 338 for May 23, 2022

Need the full spoiler for the Wordle 338 for May 23rd? The complete answer is right below the image.

Most Popular Wordle

The answer to Wordle puzzle 338 is HINGE.

Wordle is available for any browser.

MORE: 5-Letter Words Ending In UM

Source: Wordle, Reddit