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Wordle is the viral word puzzle game that can be played in-browser. Despite the fact that Wordle has been all over Twitter and other social media sites, some people have yet to play it. This article contains a breakdown of the rules, hints for today's answer, and even the complete answer all the way at the bottom.

How To Play Wordle

In order to play the original version of Wordle, players will need to head to the New York Times Games website. While it was originally coded and hosted elsewhere, the New York Times purchased Wordle back in February 2022. All the rules and answers listed here will be about that version of the game; there are tons of copycats, but they will have different answers and may even have slightly different rules than the NYTs version.

RELATED: Wordle 335 Answer for May 20, 2022

To get started, choose a starting Wordle word. All the possible answers will be real English words and five letters long. Wordle words are never plural nouns, and they are almost always the American spellings of words, like HONOR or FIBER.

Also, the New York Times censored Wordle, removing all the potentially offensive words from the game, so those will not be potential answers either. Choose a good starting word that has common letters as well.

  • Type the starting Wordle word into the website.
  • Press enter; the letters will change color.
  • Green letters are right while gray letters are wrong. Yellow letters are right but in the wrong place in the word.
  • Players have six total guesses to get to the word.
  • Puzzles reset daily at midnight local time.

Hints for the Wordle 336 for May 21, 2022

Although today's Wordle word of the day is a fairly simple one, some players may still want a few hints in order to keep their winning streaks intact. Below are some clues that won't give the whole word away.

  • Today's five-letter Wordle word of the day is both a noun and a verb.
  • It can mean "to get rid of" or "trash."
  • It contains one C.
  • This word has no duplicated letters.
  • It ends in a P.
  • The answer for the Wordle today only has one vowel, and it is an A.

Answer for Wordle 336 for May 21, 2022

If any players out there need the answer, check below the image for the full spoiler for the Wordle 336.

wordle game 202

The answer to Wordle puzzle 336 is SCRAP.

Wordle is available for any browser.

MORE: 5-Letter Words Ending In AP

Source: Wordle, Reddit