Wordle is a word puzzle game that seems to have taken over social media. Although many people play the Wordle puzzle every day, some new players and even experienced ones may need a hint or two to get to the solution.

How To Play Wordle

Wordle is a word game that is currently owned by the New York Times after it was purchased for seven figures. Players can access the game through the NYTs games website; it is played entirely through the browser. Here's a rundown of the rules:

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  • Choose a great starting word for Wordle, with a variety of letters and using some of the more common letters like R, L, and S.
  • After typing the word into the website, hit enter.
  • The letters of the starting word will change based on whether they are correct or not.
  • Green letters are right, yellow letters are right but in the wrong place, and gray letters are incorrect.
  • Given these clues, players have five more tries to get to the answer.
  • New puzzles come around at midnight local time every day.

There are a ton of clone games out there, which proves the versatility of Wordle's rules as a game. The basics of these rules remain the same across all the copycats, but some small differences are present to make different kinds of Wordles. For example, there is a Pokemon-themed Wordle game, a math version, and even a dirty word version called Lewdle. This type of word puzzle makes for fun, easy-to-share, puzzles that social media has fallen in love with.

Hints for the Wordle 275 for March 21, 2022

The Wordle word of the day is yet another puzzling word, and players who need a few hints without a complete spoiler can check below.

  • Today's word is a pronoun.
  • It contains one T.
  • It has no doubled letters unlike the word from yesterday's Wordle 274.
  • It also has two vowels.
  • It contains one E.
  • It also has an R.

Answer for Wordle 275 for March 21, 2022

If players are still needing the full spoiler for puzzle 275, check below the image for the word of the day.

goofy intense wordle

The answer to Wordle puzzle 275 is THEIR.

Wordle is available for any browser.

MORE: Wordle and Other NYT Games Would Be Great For Console

Source: Wordle