Because players can farm up gear and levels in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, some of the most dedicated experts will find that the game actually gets easier after the initial few sections. Plus, there are features that make the toughest battles much more doable that don't get unlocked until the end of the game.

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This means that most builds can be made viable with enough work later on in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. The toughest part is surviving at the very beginning. The end can be tough for gamers that don't feel like farming or leveling up, the start is hard for everybody. Having a build just for the first few parts goes a long way.

Wood Virtue Until Level Forty

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Wood Virtue Boosts

Every virtue has a role to play in the game but the wood virtue should be the first to get leveled. It provides the biggest boost to HP of all the virtues, allowing for more tolerance if the character gets hit. This also goes for its spirit defense, allowing players to block for longer without getting stunned.

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There will come a time to invest in other virtues. At about level forty, wood no longer gives more health than some of the other virtues. Ultimately, each virtue is great, but getting wood to forty right off the bat allows the player to block and parry better and recover from failures with more health.

Use A Sword & Heavy Armor

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Fighting With A Sword and Heavy Armor

Swords have the fastest reaction and recovery time of any weapon. They might not have the most damage, but they allow the character to make more mistakes and get back to blocking sooner. Even experts who have the timing down will prefer using a sword for the first few levels. Beating that first Changgui tiger beast is easier to do with a faster weapon.

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Heavy armor does slow players down unless they've invested in the metal virtue. But running around is something players should virtually never do in the first few battles. It's all about blocking and countering, not running and evading. Save the game before a big fight and absorb more damage with heavy armor.

Grab The Absorb Vitality Spell

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Absorb Vitality Spell

Spells, until players get a massive spellcasting investment going, do very little damage, not nearly enough to justify their spirit cost. However, there is one spell that players should use consistently to help out with health regeneration and that is the Absorb Vitality spell.

Cast it just once, before a fight, to receive health back for every hit. This is a great way to stay topped off on health in between saving points. Upgrading weapons and armor will assist the character later in the game, but, for now, count on this spell to do good work in the early game.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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