The December 16th update brought Warzone players a much-needed change to the game, a new map. Black Ops players will remember the Alcatraz map from Black Ops 4. Rebirth island is essentially the same map as Alcatraz with some minor changes to the design. Despite some disappointment in the community, the map is actually a refreshing addition to Warzone, as there has been little new content since the Halloween event. The map is much smaller than Verdansk and the gameplay is fast-paced.

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Updated on November 25, 2021 by Payton Lott: Many in the community are calling Rebirth the savior of Warzone. After nearly two years of Verdansk, the community has flocked to the smaller map for a faster-paced experience. More people now play Rebirth Island than Verdansk. As the player base anxiously awaits the release of the Pacific map, Rebirth is the mode of choice for fans of Warzone. It has been a year since this guide was first published, and as the second year of Rebirth approaches, gamers will need to refine their strategies to get wins. This update includes more detailed rotations, as well as some updates to the best ground loot weapons in Warzone.

16 Use A Heartbeat Sensor

call of duty heartbeat sensor active

Heartbeat sensors are incredibly overpowered in Rebirth. Even now, most players do not get ghost with their first loadout, and even those that do get ghost with their first loadout will probably die at some point during the round. The vast majority of players will appear on the radar, making the heartbeat a valuable asset at every point in the game.

No matter the playstyle, knowing where nearby enemies are makes a tremendous difference in-game. Players going for high kills will have more information to work with, and conservative players can plan their rotations and endgame strategy to secure the win.

15 Best Loadout For Rebirth Island

Call of Duty Kar98k Build

There are two ways to approach gameplay on Rebirth. The first is to use a medium and short-range weapon for aggressive movement. For these people, the Krig 6 and OTS 9 are the best options. The Krig has a versatile range and the OTS will dominate in the prison and other buildings. Other notable options like the C58/MAC-10 will work just as well.

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To get the most kills possible, players will want to use either the Kar 98 or Swiss and have a sniper support secondary. Gamers with good aim can easily log 5+ kills on defenseless players falling from the sky. The invulnerability when flying back in does not apply to headshots with a sniper. Gamers can pair the sniper with an SMG to be hyper-aggressive, or use a weapon like the EM2 or CW AK-47 for more range.

14 Land On The Prison Block

Prison Block

The prison block can be chaotic, but there is a substantial amount of loot and a buy station accessible near the water tower. If players land and get a gun, they should be able to survive long enough to loot and buy a loadout relatively quickly. The roof of the prison block is a strategic location, as the zone rarely moves away from the prison after the first collapse. Players can control the prison roof after looting, and hold players that have to rotate after the first collapse.

The great thing about the roof of the prison block is the limited cover throughout. Players will not be able to camp on the roof without fighting other enemy teams early in the match. After the first collapse, players can formulate a plan to rotate into the new zone. Those that respawn can fly into the prison through one of the side windows on each floor. Landing on the roof after getting killed is a risky endeavor, as there will often be players looking for opponents in the air.

13 Checking Flank Directions

In any area on Rebirth, players need to be aware of the common flank and choke points on the map. One of the Rebirth tips many newer players fail to incorporate in their gameplay is map awareness. At the prison, for example, there are two stairways leading to the roof. One is on the west, and the other is on the east. Enemy squads will commonly team push these locations to pull off a flank.

Additionally, there are three other ways to reach the roof, the gondola, the north cable, and the east cable. On the east side of the prison, players can also scale the diagonal concrete wall to reach the third floor. Anyone that picks up a mine or claymore can place the explosive to eliminate one of the potential flanks. Consistent awareness of all possible enemy locations will help teams secure the prison block, get their loadout, and make a plan for rotation.

12 The Infamous Tower Campers

rebirth island water tower in call of duty warzone

There will be at least a few players camping in the towers on either side of the prison in every match. While some may call it a cheap way to play the game, these spots are very strategic. The only way to get up there is to fly in and land on top of them or scale the singular ladder. The best way to neutralize enemies that camp there is to have a sniper on the team that can peek at those locations from time to time.

If the enemy player does not have a sniper, they can easily be downed by a Kar/Swiss if users have decent aim. Having a frag or semtex will help if there are a couple of squadmates in the tower. Make sure to jump toss the grenade to finish off kills before the downed player gets revived.

11 Have A Backup Plan & Know When To Regain

cod warzone woods park rebirth island

It is inevitable that teams will have a rough start in Rebirth from time to time. If prison or another drop zone is hotly contested, it might make sense to land somewhere on the outskirts before pushing back into the action. Those that can't help but go back to the area will want to find a spot where they can quickly grab a gun and plate up. In prison, for example, this is the first floor and basement.

There is a tunnel that leads to both of these areas on the north side of the map, and it is one of the best places to loot up quickly before pushing back up. People rarely loot these levels clean, and the majority of the time there will be at least one plate and a usable weapon. If two drops in a row go poorly, either look for a different spot to regain, or collectively land somewhere else entirely.

10 Find A Way To Get A Loadout

Teams that are fortunate enough to get their loadout and perks will have an extraordinary advantage over enemy teams. However, getting a loadout on Rebirth Island is no easy task. Teams with a height advantage will easily kill players that try to parachute in on their loadout. The loadout will drop considerably far from where a team is on the map, often in areas with little to no cover. Sometimes, players can get lucky, but going for the free loadout is essentially suicide in most lobbies.

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Players that land on the docks or by the prison block have stores that are relatively protected. Large stacks and orange boxes can be found throughout the prison. If the area is clear, the bottom floor of the Prison Block will have cash in and around the cells. Once teams have collected $7,500, they should send a sacrificial teammate to the store in an attempt to buy the loadout. If that person dies, they will respawn. Players should always try to throw the loadout before getting killed, even if they are in the prison yard.

9 Use The Buy Stations

Buy Station

The pace of the gameplay on Rebirth Island can be extremely quick, and dead players will return to fight again. It is common to be in a gunfight for ten or even fifteen minutes, and players often forget to use their money until it is too late.

Teams need to make a concerted effort to get UAVs and airstrikes. Because getting a loadout is so difficult, UAVs are extremely effective late in the match. Similarly, players that try to camp the tall buildings can be pushed with a timely airstrike. Squads that use their money at the buy station before the final circle will have an incredible advantage, and will likely get the win.

8 How To Be A Sole Survivor

gunfight warzone Cropped

Thirty seconds is a long time on Rebirth Island, and players need to be conservative when taking on multiple enemies. Players need to be aware if they are the last person alive and find a way to avoid the onslaught of enemies. Audio recognition is one of the most important things in Warzone, and players will need to have a good ear to recognize where enemies are coming from. After a quick kill, relocate and listen for the remaining enemy teammates. It is much easier to win a one on three fight if only one enemy challenges at a time.

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Gamers that are down need to assess whether they should wait for a teammate to pick them up, or bleed out. This is especially important when respawn is disabled. Waiting too long while downed could spell the end of the round for a team. Players that are safe can wait for their teammates to respawn, but they will come back with two plates if they decide to start the countdown. In general, it makes more sense to bleed out early in the match because the respawn timer is much faster. Later in the game, players should wait for their teammates to revive them.

7 Only Grab Viable Weapons

Loot Cropped

The first fight a team gets into will often determine the trend for the match. If possible, gamers should make sure to get a viable gun with a large ammo capacity. Most of the weapons that can be picked up on the ground this season are viable, but there are a few outliers. At this point, players should avoid the KSP blueprints and be aware that the ground loot snipers have considerable bullet drop due to low bullet velocity. The Hauer is terrible, and so is the new .410 shotgun added in Season 6. The worst ground loot weapons are included below:

  • KSP
  • DMR-14
  • Hauer 77
  • .410 Ironhide

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Players lucky enough to find a MAC-10 on the ground will decimate enemies at close range, as it is still the best movement SMG. The best medium to long-range guns are the Krig 6, EM-2, and RPD.

6 Get A Bounty Contract


Bounty contracts are free UAVs. Teams will have three fewer players to worry about when they have an active bounty contract. Because of how chaotic the mode is, bounties are often poached giving teams easy cash for a load out. Squad wipes are crucial to winning on Rebirth Island, and bounties will often lead players to a full team. Once the squad is wiped, they can no longer respawn. Bounties are the best contracts on Rebirth Island, and teams that do not have a bounty active are at a disadvantage.

5 Watch Out For Paratroopers

Dropping In

Players will be dropping in constantly in resurgence. Good teams will be able to take players out of the sky and identify the location of other teams. Because the map is so small, players can try to avoid the notification radius while dropping in.

Good teams will always be aware of their surroundings. It only takes two hits to down an enemy. Players caught sleeping will get beat down or outgunned by players dropping back in. In resurgence extreme, there will be two times more players parachuting in.

4 Play the Edge Of The Zone


The further into the circle a squad goes, the more angles an enemy can shoot from. Playing the edge after the first collapse is a good way to ensure no players are coming in from behind. Teams can hold the stragglers and use their money to get an early load out. At the end of the match, find a strategic spot in the zone and get closer to the center of the circle. Nothing is worse than being on the edge of the zone and having it move away. As mentioned, height is the best way to gain an advantage in the final circle. Not only does elevation provide a better vantage point, it also gives the player the option of floating into the new zone. The next section will detail which rotations are recommended depending on whether the zone rotates to the north, south, east, or west.

3 Where To Rotate


Always try to rotate into an area with high ground. For example, from the prison, try to rotate on top of a building to the east, south, or west. Looking at the map above, there are numerous areas the zone can rotate to. For simplicity's sake, it helps to focus on the edges of the island and the center. If the zone ends at the center of the map, top Prison and the buildings to the southwest are the strategic spots to rotate to. Rotations and key positions are outlined below:

  • North: Get to the concrete hut near the buy zone or find cover on the hill.
  • South: Claim the top of Nova 6 or Living Quarters
  • East: Fight to the top of Chemical Engineering or wait for the zone on the bottom floor.
  • West: This is one of the worst zones, camp the concrete ledge/hill or use the tents as cover.
  • Northeast: Get to the roof of the Decon Zone or Bioweapon Labs.
  • Southwest: Hold from the hill or use the buildings on the edge of the map.
  • Northwest: Control center or edge of the map.
  • Southeast: Hill control or top Harbor buildings.

This guide is not suggesting that teams camp in these locations, they are rotations in the final zones. Trying to hold down one of these spots for multiple collapses is almost as hard as a late rotation. Because the starting point is prison, always keep these spots in mind when planning the next move.

2 Get A Self-Revive & Gas Mask


Every player starts out the round with a self revive. Players need to make sure that they have not burned it before the final collapse. Teams that have thee self revives can get out of situations other teams can't.

Gas masks are also important on the small Rebirth Island, as it alows players to avoid being shot while re-positioning late in the game. Using a gas mask is also a great way to re-plate without getting in enemy sightlines.

1 Effective Team Positioning

Warzone Squad

This applies to all modes in Warzone, especially in close quarters. It is a much easier task to flick from one enemy to the other if players are side by side. Strategic teams will be close enough to play together but spread out enough to be a difficult target. Enemy teams will commonly focus on one target and expose themselves to the other two teammates. Camping side by side is a sure fire way to give enemies an easy squad wipe.

Additionally, teams that look in the same direction open themselves up to being flanked or sniped in the back. Another helpful Rebirth Island tip, there will always be a pesky sniper on either the lighthouse or water tower. Awareness is essential in the most frenetic mode in Warzone.

MORE: Call of Duty: Warzone Rebirth Island Map Revealed