Each of the available classes in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide has its own characteristics, abilities, and weapon types, though some classes do share particular weapons. It's one of the factors that drastically increases the replay value of the game. Those who find themselves getting tired of playing a particular class can pick up another one and find a gameplay experience that is different from the class they just put down.

One of the classes that will be available upon Warhammer 40,000: Darktide's launch is the Psyker Psykinetic, a powerful mage-type class that uses their ability to tap into the Immaterium to eliminate foes. Unlike the other classes that prefer conventional weaponry, the Psyker Psykinetic relies on a unique Peril gauge from which they can use their Warp abilities. Using too many Warp-based skills can cause a Psyker to down themselves, but the upside is that the class can avoid some of the nuances the Veteran Sharpshooter, Zealot Preacher, and Ogryn Skullbreaker have to deal with.

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No Ammo? No Problem

warhammer darktide psyker staff

The most apparent strength of the Psyker Psykinetic class from the get-go is that it doesn't require ammunition. Provided players use the class's unique staff weapons, they can do away with ranged firearms entirely. Depending on the staff they equip, Psyker Psykinetics can shoot ranged Warp projectiles, create area-of-effect explosions, and many other weapons of war that only they can utilize.

As mentioned, drawing upon these abilities requires Psyker Psykinetics to manage their Peril gauge - a unique mechanic that is denoted by an ever-increasing bar found just under the reticle. Players can wait for their Peril gauge to slowly decrease over time or they can hold the reload button to manually quell their Peril at a faster rate. Other abilities allow players to quell their Peril much faster, such as the Psykinetic's Wrath class ability that creates a shockwave that pushes back foes and relieves a good portion of the Peril gauge at the same time. There are many ways to deal with Peril, and part of the experience of playing the Psyker Psykinetic is balancing when to use Warp abilities, quell Peril, and use conventional weaponry.

Why Use Grenades When A Brain Burst Is Available?

warhammer darktide brain burst

Unlike the other classes' Blitz abilities, the Psyker Psykinetic doesn't have a special grenade with which to manage hordes of enemies or damage stronger foes. What the class has instead is Brain Burst - a powerful ability that allows the Psyker to deal massive damage to a single target. All players need to do is have an initial line of sight on an enemy and hit the Blitz button. Two bars by their reticle will then slowly fill up, followed soon after by the ability going off. Weaker enemies and some elites immediately die after a single Brain Burst while stronger foes need more Brain Bursts to kill.

Killing an enemy with Brain Burst temporarily increases a Psyker's damage output up to four times, so it is wise to kill lesser enemies in an encounter first before moving on to tougher targets. Just like the Psyker's other Warp-based abilities, Brain Burst also increases their Peril gauge, thus requiring strategic management to use effectively.

Breaking Through Their Defenses

warhammer darktide psyker lightning

Co-op-wise, a Psyker's abilities are always welcome as some of them ignore armor and deal direct damage. Brain Burst, for example, can make easy work of armored Bulwarks and hard-to-hit Pox Hounds. Considering Warhammer 40,000: Darktide throws more elite enemies with different types of defenses on the higher difficulties, having a Psyker is invaluable when doing endgame content.

With Warp abilities and weapons up their sleeves, Psyker Psykinetics feel like an entirely separate class, more so than Warhammer 40,000: Darktide's other classes. Not having to worry about ammunition is always a good thing and is appreciated by allies who need the life-preserving bullets more. Add in the strong abilities that ignore enemy defenses and the Psyker is shaping up to be one of the strongest (if not the strongest) classes in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide releases on November 30, 2022 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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