Warframe is a complex game that has changed a lot over its 8 years of development. While there's plenty to do, and plenty of resources and items to collect, it can sometimes be confusing for new players to keep track of.

Like many free to play games, Warframe has multiple currencies, each one used at different places for different things. Thankfully, Warframe players don't have to understand them all at once, and can learn them piecemeal as they explore the galaxy.

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Ducats are a Warframe currency specifically for Baro Ki'Teer, a special trader that appears every two weeks with exclusive items. The limited timeframe can be intimidating, but thankfully earning ducats is fairly straightforward.

Warframe Baro Ki'teer shop

Accessing Warframe's Relays

Before the player has to worry about earning Ducats, they need to access one of Warframe's junctions. These are safe areas where players can do various side activities, such as joining one of Warframe's syndicates.

The earlist relay the player is likely to come across is the one on Mercury. The player only has to complete Earth and Venus to get there.

Trading for Ducats

While Baro Ki'Teer only comes every two weeks, his kiosks are a constant at the relays. Players can always access them at the concourse, the main hub of each relay. At the Void Trader Kiosks, players can trade special Prime Warframe blueprints and parts for ducats.

Earning Prime Parts

Players can get Prime blueprints and parts from void relics. Each one will give an unknown reward from a set pool. Players who are trying to craft their own Prime Warframes should learn which relics contain what rewards in advance, but those farming for ducats don't have to worry as much.

Void Relics can be found, unsurprisingly, in Void Fissure missions.These are marked on the navigation map with a symbol that looks like two wavy criss-crossed lines. Void Fissure missions come in multiple different types, but the most efficient ones for relic farming are Warframe's survival and defense missions. These don't have a set endpoint, so a good team can continuously earn relics.

Once they have earned their rewards, players can give them to the relay kiosks for ducats.Completed parts are worth more than blueprints, so players who want to save up ducats should invest the time to craft them.

Spending Ducats

Baro Ki'Teer's shop tends to have rare or time limited items. For players who want something useful, he tends to have good weapons and mods. For players who want something more decorative, he has ship decorations and skins for the player's frames and companions.

Warframe is available now for Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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