Harald Hardrada, aka as Harald Sigurdsson, was the great-grandson of Harald Finehair. He was also known as the Prince of Norway and one of the last berserkers of the Viking age.

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Harald had two brothers; Sten and one half-brother named Olaf Haraldsson. He was a renowned warrior before eventually becoming King of Norway and has had quite the journey. Like its predecessor, Vikings Valhalla may loosely be based on historical facts but not everything is shown to the fans of the series. These are just some things the shows haven't covered yet, but they will probably be shown in the upcoming seasons.

5 He Went To Prison

Harald Hardrada in Viking Valhalla

Harald lost his position with the aristocrats after the death of Michael IV in December 1041. Many conflicts arise in the imperial court, especially between the new emperor Michael V and the empress Zoe. Harald, being caught in the middle, was wrongfully imprisoned for some time for an unknown reason.

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Although multiple accounts explained why he was sent to prison, no one knows the real reason why it happened. Some say Harald tried to defraud the emperor of his treasure. Many others said it was because he requested a marriage with a fictional relative of Empress Zoe. William of Malmesbury's version of the story was that Harald got arrested for defiling a noblewoman, while other rumors said he murdered someone.

4 He Was Saved By A Prince In Russia

Harald Hardrada King of Norway in Viking Valhalla fighting

At the age of 15, Harald and Olaf, his half-brother, left the comfort of their home to fight against Cnut the Great of Denmark in the hopes of overthrowing him.

They failed and even though the King was banished, Harald was there to support him upon his return to battle in 1030 AD. Harald fought bravely until the King fell, and the battle was lost. Harald was badly injured and didn't know if he would survive for long. Eventually, he found refuge in Russia in Prince Yaroslav the Wise's arms.

3 He Was One Of The Varangian Guard

Harald Hardrada King of Norway in Viking Valhalla

The Grand Russian Prince, Yaroslav owned an army known as The Varangian Guard. They were a large elite class of warriors in charge of protecting the Byzantine Capital of Constantinople from enemies. They were known for being fearless and reckless warriors who bravely faced any danger and bloodshed without hesitation.

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Harald Hardrada served the Prince for two years and quickly set himself apart from the other members of the guard after battling both Mediterranean pirates and Arab forces. His courage, ruthlessness, determination, and leadership helped him immensely in combat. He served as a great inspiration to his allies.

2 He Shared The Throne

Harald-Hardrada Sigurdsson-in-Viking-Valhalla-1

Harald eventually returned to Norway after his years serving in the Varangian Guard. Upon his arrival, he learned that his nephew, the son of Olaf II, became the King. The two then shared the throne from 1045 to 1047.

In 1047, during a military expedition against Denmark, he had planned with his uncle, he died and left Harald to rule Norway on his own. Although his last name suggests that he was a tyrannical, resolute, and hard ruler with his people, no one knows for sure.

1 Last Viking That Tried To Invade England

Harald Sigurdsson in Viking Valhalla

Once Harald became King, it wasn't enough for him to just rule Norway, he wanted to take over England as well. Back when his nephew Magnus was still alive, he had struck a deal with the Norse King of Denmark, Harthacnut.

The deal was simple. Once Harthacnut would pass on to the afterlife, Magnus would inherit his kingdom. However, when Harthacnut's time came, his kingdom was given to Edward the Confessor instead of Magnus. This led Harald to believe that he'd earn the throne after Edward's death in 1066, but a nobleman named Harold Godwinson intervened and contested the rights to the throne. Tostig Godwinson, Harold's brother, influenced King Harald into launching an invasion of England. Things didn't go to plan when William, the Duke of Normandy interfered. This fight against William is what led Harald to the Battle of Stamford Bridge where he later perished. He was then known as the last Viking who ever tried to invade a country.

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