In the video game community, gaming based offenses are considered especially heinous. In cities across the world, gamers share stories of others breaking unwritten rules of gaming etiquette. These rules shall be unwritten no more. A group of dedicated gamers will take their own experiences and others' and document these offenses, laying down laws to prevent further crimes.

These are those laws.


Life is all about the choices that are made. Gaming is not always the most important thing. Spending time with friends and family should take precedence over that wonderful new release that dominates a gamer's free time. Neglecting a relationship can result in very bad things. Failing to pay attention to a significant other can leave a gamer, and possibly their games, in a dire situation of their own creation.

Deception is a dangerous game.  It left this gamer without his Xbox 360. His story serves as a cautionary tale to those who don't know the joys of time management. Most wouldn't take it to the extreme that she took it but don't take that risk. Immersing oneself in a quality gaming experience is a very enjoyable pastime but trust us in saying that it's always a good idea to put the controller down every now and then.

Submit your stories for other potential Gamer Laws to us on Twitter, @theBFPguys, and your story may be depicted in a future installment.