Valorant has finally put out an introduction video for Jett, who is arguably the game's mascot character (Agent). Like Valorant's other Agents, Jett's video serves to display her unique toolkit, but only lasts around 30 seconds.

Riot Games describes Jett as the Agent with the highest skill-cap of them all — design-wise. She hails from South Korea and harnesses the wind to facilitate her evasive and agile fighting style. She specializes in blitzing her opponents and then retreating before they have a chance to retaliate.

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Her abilities reflect this, and she has four of them at her disposal, keeping her in line with Valorant's gameplay system. Jett's teaser only showcases three of these four special moves, however, leaving out her Ultimate.

The two abilities that she can purchase before a match include Cloudburst and Updraft. Cloudburst sends out an orb of wind that the player can steer at their leisure. Whenever the ball comes in contact with something, it bursts into a cloud of fog, obscuring vision and giving Jett time to retreat or go for kills.

With Updraft, Jett calls on the wind to help her jump to higher areas, allowing her to gain the high ground over her opponents and set up for aerial attacks.

The two abilities that Jett will have every time she enters a match are Tailwind and Blade Storm, her Signature, and Ultimate, respectively. With Tailwind, Jett dashes in whatever direction the player wants in an instant. It works wonders whenever a player wants to get out of combat, and its cooldown is almost nonexistent, allowing for repeated use.

As for Blade Storm, it works almost exactly as it sounds. Jett arms herself with a plethora of daggers using a gale of wind. She can then hurl these weapons at her opponents one by one or all at once for maximum efficiency. If any of these daggers kill someone, Jett's entire arsenal restores itself so that she can do it all over again, and every headshot Jett scores in this Ultimate turns into an instant kill.

As mentioned, this ability didn't appear in the video. But, since the Valorant open beta will arrive in less than a week, players won't have to wait long to see it in action. Riot Games still hasn't announced when exactly Valorant's full release will happen, but it's likely that followers of the game will hear something after the beta closes.

Valorant releases sometime summer 2020 on PC.

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