To celebrate its anniversary, TwitchPlaysPokemon recently returned, giving chat users the chance to play through both Pokemon Red and Blue simultaneously. The games are still going on, but those on the Pokemon Blue side of things managed to do something rather impressive: find the glitched Pokemon Missingno.

Missingno is a glitched Pokemon that will show up in Pokemon Red and Blue if players go through the proper steps to make it appear. What makes this impressive is that TwitchPlaysPokemon is played by multiple people at once, so going through the steps necessary to make Missingno appear is even more difficult.

Check out Missingno's appearance in TwitchPlaysPokemon right here:


Of course, it's worth pointing out that there are significantly less people participating this time around, and so feats like finding Missingno are going to be much easier than they would have been in the original incarnation of TwitchPlaysPokemon. In fact, those participating in chat have managed to do other things that take a lot more coordination, such as trading Pokemon with each other (and in the process, obtaining an Alakazam).

While the channel seems to have had a slight resurgence in popularity since it has returned to its roots, it doesn't seem likely that it will reach the same heights as it did back when it first started. However, that hasn't stopped the channel from doing some amazing things. Since the beginning, TwitchPlaysPokemon has managed to play through all the main series Pokemon games, as well as complete a number of other feats, such as catching all 151 original Pokemon.

As long as there are at least some fans, it seems as though the TwitchPlaysPokemon channel will continue. In the future, perhaps more people will return to it when new Pokemon games come out, like the upcoming main series Pokemon RPG that's currently in development for the Nintendo Switch, for instance.

Pokemon Red and Blue are available now for Game Boy and Nintendo 3DS.