Which is better: mouse and keyboard or controller? This is a question that has been debated for decades in the gaming industry. Over the past couple of years, this question has become even more prevalent as many of the top games including Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Call of Duty: Warzone allow gamers to play using either input device. As controller players and mouse and keyboard players frequently encounter each other in games now, Twitch streamer Myth recently claimed that controller players weren’t among the best players in gaming.

The controversy started when YouTube streamer Dr Disrespect tweeted, “without your aim assist, you ain’t nothin.” The Doc, who often plays a number of FPS titles directed, this tweet at controller players and the supposed advantage that they had due to aim assist. While this was a critical statement from the streamer, it didn’t come as much of a surprise given the controversial gaming persona that Dr Disrespect has built his career on. However, things didn’t stop with Dr Disrespect. Soon after this comment about aim assist, popular streamer Myth retweeted the Doc’s statement and added his own comments on the issue. “I'll never put a controller player in my top 10 for greatest FPS players of all time,” he said.

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This tweet from Myth was no doubt controversial and sparked outrage from many players in the gaming community. Controller users were quick to claim that while they had aim assist, using mouse and keyboard comes with a number of advantages as well. Others pointed to professional players like Scump, one of the most famous players in the Call of Duty League and also a controller user. Furthermore, Nadeshot, founder of the eSports team 100 Thieves, fired back at Myth. “Your opinion went out the door when you slandered some of the best players in the world just because they play on controller,” he said. Nadeshot went further saying that Myth hadn’t been “around long enough” to make those types of comments.

After this criticism from Nadeshot and many other members of the community such as Call of Duty professional C6, Myth has since taken back his previous statement. In a tweet from the Twitch streamer responding to Nadeshot, the streamer claimed that he made a mistake and was “nowhere near qualified enough to be spreading that type of slander.”

These recent comments from both Dr Disrespect and Myth add fuel to the already burning debate about the power of aim assist in games like Warzone. With many popular gamers on both sides of the fence, it seems that the issue won’t be resolved anytime soon. It will be interesting to see where this debate goes from here.

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