Popular Twitch streamers have branched out of video games into making variety and IRL content, but that can often be dangerous when nefarious viewers know of their whereabouts. During a recent cooking stream, one such Twitch streamer was swatted as local police raided their home due to some unknown allegations.June 21 was much like any other Taco Tuesday for HeyItsMeSalty as the Twitch streamer and began a cooking stream, a type of content that's become commonplace on his channel. During previous cooking streams, HeyItsMeSalty has created a plethora of dishes like Neapolitan Margherita pizza, pasta with meatballs, pancake stacks, Pad Thai, Stuffed Peppers, and much more. Although most members of the Twitch community join Twitch cooking streams to see what accidents might happen, interact with the popular streamer, and discover new cooking techniques, one of them called the police on HeyItsMeSalty to get him swatted during the stream, which was noted by Dexerto.RELATED: Streamer Swatting is Still Not the AnswerHeyItsMeSalty's Taco Tuesday stream was interrupted, like PixelKitten's Twitch charity stream was just a couple of days prior, by armed police entering their home with weapons drawn as they search the area. After an interaction with the police officers and an offer for free tacos upon a later return, HeyItsMeSalty was able to confirm with them that they had been misled by the swatter. The police left the scene before HeyItsMeSalty's tacos were impacted by the delay, ensuring that the Twitch streamer could continue the cooking stream which resulted in some impressive roasted cauliflower, chickpeas, and sweet potato tacos on homemade tortillas.

A large chunk of the aforementioned stream has been deleted, but the moments involving the swatting have been circulating throughout the community, including by the streamer himself who shed additional light on the subject. Before the police left his home, HeyItsMeSalty stated that he would welcome them back for tacos once they were completed "in an hour and a half,” but emphasized the importance of his family's safety in a tweet about the situation. Given that many of the Twitch swatting events in recent history have resulted in worse and more dangerous responses than the one recently experienced by HeyItsMeSalty, the person who sent the police to his home could have gotten someone hurt.

Some Twitch viewers may have waited during the streamed swatting event, but others disappeared while hoping for the best as HeyItsMeSalty cleared things up with the police officers respectfully like YouTube's Dr Disrespect handled a swatting in the past. HeyItsMeSalty confirmed with his audience that he'd normally end a swatted stream early because he "might have peed" a little, but his dedication has been celebrated by many of his followers. A lot of these Twitch viewers expressed tremendous respect for the streamer after how he handled the live swatting, while others simply implored that he shares the recipe for the tacos highlighted during the stream.

MORE: Dr Disrespect is Never Going Back to Twitch at This Point

Source: Twitch (via Dexerto)