With Tower of Fantasy being a Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMO) there's a ton of stuff to do within the game. Whether players opt to play Tower of Fantasy with friends or solo, there are many duties that can only be done by playing with others such as Joint Operations and Void Rifts.

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Similarly to other games in the MMO genre, players have a wide variety of tasks to do when it comes to their daily routine in the game. Whether it's grinding materials to level up their weapons or participating in Mia's Kitchen there's always something to do every day.

8 Mia's Kitchen

mias kitchen in tower of fantasy

Mia's Kitchen is a fairly simple daily task to do as players watch Mia cook them 3 plates of food. Each plate of food provides EXP and buffs, with some offering up special materials that can be used to level up weapons. While players can use a cooking system around the world of Tower Of Fantasy, Mia's Kitchen is a little different.

It’s the easiest daily task to do in the game as all players have to do is click and watch the adorable Mia serve up a plate of food. It’s recommended to do this before you do any important fighting in the game that day, such as the all-important world bosses.

7 Joint Operations

joint operations in tower of fantasy

Players will need to be at least level 20 to be able to take part in Joint Operations, a daily task that is completed with 3 other people. Players can do this with friends in their own party group or will be matched with strangers. Joint Operations are basically a small dungeon where players must defeat various mobs while being rewarded with chests that can be opened by spending 30 vitality. Vitality is a daily currency, similar to Resin in Genshin Impact, which can be used to open chests and perform certain daily tasks to earn important leveling materials.

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There's always a boss at the end of a Joint Operation, so players must be prepared to work together while healing and tanking during the big hits. It's also important to note that the higher level Joint Operations will have certain elemental resistances such as volt resistance or physical resistance, meaning players who may bring Samir's mimic or Shiro's mimic may struggle to hit high numbers when attacking the enemies. This doesn't mean they can't bring those weapons in, especially if they're leveled high enough with strong matrices.

6 World Bosses

a world boss from tower of fantasy

World bosses can be done multiple times throughout the day, but players must have a Gold Chip to be able to reap the rewards after the boss is defeated. Similar to the other chests found throughout the world of Tower of Fantasy, the world boss chests require the use of a chip. Gold Chips are a lot rarer and harder to earn than Blue Chips or Purple Chips, but they can be earned quickly by completing the weekly missions as soon as possible.

Players can perform a forced decipher though, which means they may not get the best rewards, but it's still something. There are multiple bosses found throughout the map, but players sometimes have to channel hop to find an already spawned boss. It's best that players bring along their most powerful weapons so far to ensure that they contribute to the world boss fight.

5 Daily Bounty

daily bounty screen in tower of fantasy

The Daily Bounties in Tower of Fantasy are similar to the daily tasks found in Genshin Impact. Players must follow the point on the map to find the enemy that they must defeat, which can either be one stronger enemy or multiple enemies.

These tasks can be done pretty quickly when players first log in and offer great rewards, especially if players don't have much time to play that day. Completing this daily task gives players plenty of EXP and materials that they need to make their character stronger, so this is a highly recommended task to do as soon as a player logs in. The daily bounties also allow players to easily complete their exploration tasks as they discover points of interest and nuclei along their journey. Reaching 85% exploration rewards players with a brand new outfit based on the area.

4 Dimensional Trials

dimensional trials screen in tower of fantasy

Dimensional Trials are quickfire tasks that can be completed within a couple of minutes or even less if the party is strong enough. They span over multiple difficulties, with each one offering up higher-level materials if needed for a player's weapon upgrades. Players can choose whichever weapons they want on their team in Joint Operations, whether they opt for a ranged mimic or a melee mimic.

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Players are matched with others, or this task can be done in a party of friends, to defeat mobs found throughout the instance. Completing a Dimensional Trial offers rewards such as chests that give important materials like Nanofiber Frames etc. Each completion costs 30 vitality, and with players only having a daily amount of 180, it’s important to think about what is needed most.

3 Training Points

training points screen in tower of fantasy

There are two training opportunities that can be found at Training Points throughout the map. Players have two chances to get the highest points possible whilst completing a random training session. These tasks are basically short mini-games that can actually be quite difficult depending on what players are given that day. Players are rewarded with a certain amount of points, with higher amounts being given when a task is completed properly.

These points can then be spent in the Points Shop to purchase important materials such as Weapon Batteries, Matrix Data Packs, and gifts. The importance of gifts is crucial to making weapons stronger in Tower of Fantasy. Players must give the Simulacura's gifts to earn Awakening Points, which then go on to unlock new abilities and rewards such as an Avatar of the Simulcura that players can use as their profile picture in-game.

2 Bygone Phantasm

bygone phantasm screen in tower of fantasy

While the Bygone Phantasm doesn't have to be done daily, it can be a great habit to get into when trying to reach the higher levels as fast as possible. Similarly to the Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact, it's an endless dungeon with increasing difficulty as players progress further up.

By reaching specific floors, players can receive rewards that can be used to make their weapons stronger, making it a fun and sufficient way to improve their stats. Some players may find that they will reach a certain point in the Bygone Phantasm where they can't progress any further, this is when the player needs to focus on leveling up their equipment, weapons, and matrices.

1 Crew Donations

crew donations screen in tower of fantasy

If a player is in a Crew in Tower of Fantasy, they should make sure they are participating in the daily Crew donations to help their fellow players. This is a quick task to do that can be done as soon as they log in. This not only helps your fellow players but is also beneficial to the overall Crew. These donations will most often be small items that players will end up randomly gathering while they explore the world, such as mushrooms or eggs.

There are also weekly tasks that be completed for the Crew to level it up, offering more rewards to the Crew members. The easiest way to have a strong Crew is to have a large group of members who are active most days and can contribute as much as possible.

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