Remember Too Human? The game that  took ten years to come to fruition, finally debuting on the Xbox 360 in 2008? Unfortunately for developer Silicon Knights, Too Human is better known for its development hell than the innovative gameplay it offered.

The game, which offers an interesting take on Norse mythology, was the start of a planned trilogy. While reviews were mixed the sales were low, fans of the game still wanted to see the story play out and get their hands on sequels. As it turns out, Silicon Knights intends to do just that.

The story of Too Human revolves around the Norse Gods (called the Aesir), cybernetic-enhanced humans, protecting humanity against Loki. Players take on the role of protagonist Baldur, labelled "too human" for having less cybernetic augmentations than his brethren. It offered a unique futuristic take on all of the Norse gods, including Thor who is 95% robotic now, but is known as the greatest warrior. And then there's big papa ODIN, which in the game stands for Organically Distributed Intelligence Network.

With Marvel's Thor feature film debuting in North America on Friday, it's rather interesting timing that Silicon Knights is talking up Too Human sequels. In speaking with Industry Gamers, Silicon Knights President Denis Dyack told them that they do plan on finishing the Too Human trilogy, but won't say more beyond that.

"We intend to finish the trilogy but no comment beyond that... You know, there's very public litigation around that."

The litigation Dyack refers to is their course case against Epic Games for allegedly not providing them with the complete Unreal Engine code, forcing them to rebuild their own game engine.

Silicon Knights are currently hard at work on X-Men: Destiny for Activision, a game we've seen little of but expect more at E3. The studio houses about 180 employees, and it's possible that Too Human 2 is their next project. If so, they're going to need to up the graphics and control scheme big time. They have an awesome story and design concepts, it just needs to be implemented with more polish, skippable cutscenes (I'm looking at you, Valkyrie) and the full promised co-op experience.

What changes would you like to see made in Too Human 2?

Source: Industry Gamers


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