Ogroids are creatures that appear in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with different forms, yet they all seem to descend from Ogres, which are giant, brutish humanoids praised for their brawn but not their intelligence.

Although all Ogroids are more pests than actual threats, this doesn't mean that they cannot be dangerous and threaten people; this is why a Witcher has to be prepared and should consult the information in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's bestiary regarding this particular species.

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Cloud Giant

cloud giant

The Cloud Giant is most likely a degenerated illusory being. He is an inhabitant of the castle in the sky in the Land of a Thousand Fables, a fictional world created by Artorius Vigo. This land was abandoned and left untended for years, during which time it began to rot, decay, and degrade.

The Cloud Giant was most likely meant to be a pleasant-natured strongman who would carry the duke's young daughters on his shoulders and never grow tired. However, he turned into a dangerous monster when degenerated and overgrown.

The Cloud Giant is an Ogroid and is thus susceptible to Ogroid oil, which increases the damage dealt against him. The sign Igni, in addition to Dancing Star bombs, may also be used to exploit this monster's weakness to fire. It can disappear into the clouds below and suddenly reappear for a surprise attack. Thus, the sign Quen can be used as a protection against these sudden attacks in case a dodge is poorly timed.



Cyclopses can easily be recognized by the single eye located in the center of their foreheads. If for some reason that is not visible, other tell-tale signs are their enormous size, incredible strength, and a seething hatred for all humans.

Cyclopses go where they want; even a Witcher should move to the side if a Cyclops is charging forward. The strongest Witchers cannot parry or block any punch or slap delivered by a Cyclops. The sign Yrden can help Witchers do more work every time they get within sword range of these monsters. Overall, Quen is probably the best choice for handling them.



Golyat is the giant that the Witcher Geralt of Rivia met entering Toussaint in the Blood and Wine expansion. He had the strength to pick up and throw a horse with only a single hand, and he used the millstone of a destroyed windmill as a massive club.

According to legend, Golyat had once been a knight who violated his vows, for which the Lady of the Lake punished him. Transformed into a giant, he fled into the mountains and would only descend into the inhabited lowlands when hunger forced him to it. He is vulnerable to Ogroid oil and the sign Quen.



Hagubman is a mighty and cunning Nekker Warrior leading a colony of Nekkers on the island of Hindarsfjall, in Skellige. It is known to set up an ambush, such as setting an abandoned wagon on a trade route and then waiting for someone to investigate it, attacking them with its pack.

These overgrown Nekkers act more like assassins: they strike by surprise, from hiding, in the back, or when their opponent exposes himself while attacking. Luckily, like other Nekkers Warriors, they are vulnerable to all The Witcher 3's signs and the Ogroid oil, and their blows can be easily dodged or countered.

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Ice Giant

ice giant

This powerful, ancient monster is quite possibly the last of its race. The Ice Giant resembles a man in many respects but is blue as frost and taller than a tree. Unfortunately, it is hard to provide a detailed description since no Witcher has ever faced it. It is known only from tales and second-hand reports that mix fact with legend.

Though similar to the Cyclopses in terms of combat ability, one aspect of the Ice Giant must be cautioned. Reportedly, the monster draws its strength from cold weather, with blizzards allowing them to reach its physical peak. In fact, Skelligers claims its skin is blue because it was born of snow and ice, which is, of course, clearly impossible.

Ice Trolls

ice troll

Ice Trolls are a breed of semi-intelligent Troll species adapted for the cold regions of the Northern Realms and Skellige. Unlike Rock Trolls found at lower altitudes, these permafrost-dwelling monsters treat every man they encounter as a possible ingredient for their meal. Luckily, Ice Trolls live atop high mountain ridges so inaccessible they rarely encounter humans, and some suppose this is why they have not mastered the basics of Common Speech.

Ice Trolls are crueler than their rocky kin. Though they use similar tactics in battle, they are heartier and stronger than Rock Trolls and thus more dangerous. Furthermore, their backs are covered in thick protective armor-like Rock Trolls, meaning that a Witcher should never strike them from the rear. Ice Trolls are immune to the sign Aard, but vulnerable to the sign Quen and to silver swords coated in Ogroid oil.



Nekkers are creatures encountered in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that inhabit the regions Velen, Novigrad, Skellige, and Toussaint. Nekkers live in the dark woods that grow in damp, mist-filled valleys, in colonies of one to several dozen individuals. Nekkers dig deep burrows for lairs and connect them with a network of narrow tunnels. Using these passageways, they are able to move at great speed within and around their colonies.

Individual Nekkers are weak, easy marks compared to other monsters, so they never fight alone; also, unlike fellow Ogroids, Nekkers are considerably agile and acrobatic, even more so than the likes of Drowners and Rotfiends. Like all other Ogroids, they are vulnerable to Ogroid oil and Northern Wind.

Rock Trolls

rock troll

Rock Trolls are Ogroids that can communicate with humans and non-humans on a basic level and can be found in Novigrad, Kaer Morhen, Skellige, Velen, and Toussaint. Just like other races, though, some are outright hostile and can't be reasoned with.

Although they are not aggressive creatures and not every encounter ends in a fight, Rock Trolls can use fire and simple tools. They can throw stones at their opponents, and they can use their powerful fists to smash whoever provokes them. Rock Trolls are susceptible to Ogroid oil and the sign Quen.


wham a wham

Wham-a-Wham is a powerful Rock Troll living inside a cave in Ard Skellig. Geralt will face this creature during the "Missing Miners" contract. Its hard skin makes it near invulnerable to sword strikes, especially those dealt from behind, where its rock armor is the thickest. The only hope for defeating it lay in taking advantage of its typical Troll slowness, especially if further exploited using the sign Yrden.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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