The Sinking City features an open world called Oakmont that players can explore to interact with citizens, investigate crime scenes, find Big Lebowski easter eggs, and more. Getting around Oakmont can be a bit troublesome due to the city's flooded streets, but luckily there is a fast-travel system in place to help players get around easier, though some may not realize how to use it.

Whereas many open world games simply require players to open their map and select where they want to fast-travel to, The Sinking City uses a different kind of fast-travel system. To fast-travel in The Sinking City, players need to find telephone booths that can be found all around the city, marked on the compass by a star. Once players get close enough to one of these phone booths, they will unlock it as a fast-travel point. These phone booths are also where The Sinking City players will respawn after dying.

We recommend that whenever The Sinking City players visit a new location that they attempt to unlock the fast-travel point. A lot of them will be unlocked accidentally as players just walk through the city, but some will require players to go a bit out of their way to make sure they're unlocked. Unlocking all of the fast-travel points in The Sinking City saves a great deal of time, especially when some cases have players bouncing from one region of the city to the next.

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In our Sinking City review, we pointed out how fast-traveling makes the game less tedious, as it lets players avoid using the boat to get through the flooded sections of the city. However, players should be warned that using fast-travel will trigger a loading screen, and the load times in The Sinking City can sometimes be quite long.

Future updates for The Sinking City may fix the game's long load times, which would make fast-travel even more ideal. Even with the long load times, though, fast-traveling is still the most efficient way to get around Oakmont, and it will help players complete cases much faster.

The Sinking City is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Switch version also in development.