The newest Sims 4 expansion gives players an opportunity that they have wanted for a long time. Gamers finally now have the option to live in the heart of the countryside, set up their own farm, and take care of their animals beyond just cats and dogs.

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Cottage Living delivers what it promised: a brand new lifestyle full of animals such as cows, hens, and even llamas. In addition to these, Sims can also bring wild birds and bunnies to their home. It will require a lot of work and some cunning steps for all The Sims 4 players, but it's possible to befriend both wild birds and bunnies and welcome them into a Sim household. Here's how to do it.

8 Train The Singing Skill

Sims 4 singing

One interesting method to befriend birds is to sing with them. No one becomes an accomplished singer overnight, though. If the birds don't like the Sim's singing, they may express this sentiment by pooping on them.

Thus, before the Sim decides to try and befriend the birds with their dulcet tones, they should put some time into leveling up this skill. They can do this at home just by singing in the shower, they can go to a karaoke club and perform onstage, or they can buy the karaoke machine or microphone stand so they can practice in their house.

7 Find Out What The Animals Like

The Sims 4 rabbit

Each animal is different, just like the Sims are. One way to befriend wild animals is to bring them gifts. It's important to be careful, though, since each bird and bunny likes different things. What works for one animal, won't necessarily please another.

The best way to learn each animal's preferences is to try out a few gifts (such as flowers, wool, or produce) and see which gift the animal appreciates. Their favorite gift will be marked by a heart, so it's impossible to miss. Once players learn the animal's preferences, they can simply bring that gift again and again.

6 Start Small

Sims 4 birds

The good thing about befriending birds is that they live in a flock. If a Sim manages to befriend one bird, they can bring the entire flock to their lot.

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This will spare them a lot of time since they can focus on building their friendship with a single bird and find out what the bird likes. Yet for the effort of befriending a single bird, they'll get a whole gang of avian friends.

5 Don't Rush Things

Sims 4 rabbits

Giving gifts and singing is all good, but a Sim has to start somewhere. After all, wild animals are easy to spook at first. An appropriate first step is to just find the animals and then use the watch interaction. This way, the animals will slowly but surely get accustomed to the Sim's presence and they will start building their friendship with the Sim.

Once the initial positive relationship exists, the Sim can take it to the next level and try interacting with the animals. This is where the singing and gift-giving can come in.

4 Choose The Right Time

Sims 4 Haunted house raining spooky night time

Just like Sims, animals also have a certain schedule, a life rhythm. With this in mind, befriending them is also about finding the right time to visit and giving it a try. If the Sim wants to befriend wild rabbits or birds, they shouldn't visit them at night; instead, it's best to find them in the middle of the day. If the Sim disturbs them at night while the animals are trying to sleep, they won't be happy about it, and it will make building any positive relationship with them more difficult.

Another important factor to take into consideration is the weather. If the weather's ugly, it's raining heavily, for example, it's best to stay at home and come see the animals once the weather gets nice again.

3 Pick The Right Character Traits


If the player is creating a new Sim whom they know is going to be living the cottage lifestyle, they can help matters by picking the right character traits. Certain traits are better suited to this life than others.

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One trait that helps in befriending wild animals is the Animal Enthusiast trait. With this one, it's possible to befriend animals faster. Another trait that works well is the Outgoing, trait since these Sims make friends faster than others — with both other Sims and animals.

2 Buy Homes For The Animals

The Sims 4 rabbit home

The important step after bringing the animals to the lot is giving them somewhere to live. In order to achieve that, Sims can buy homes for the animals in Build Mode

Specifically, rabbits are going to need a small stump, and birds can live in a thinner, hollowed-out tree. This way, the player will usually know where to find the animals when they're looking for them.

1 Don't Be Mean

The Sims 4 an angry Sim

It might seem like a given, but many players, especially those who are just starting with the game or the Cottage Living expansion, might not realize it. It's important to be nice to the animals. If the player acts unkindly, not only won't they befriend the Sim, but they might also even attack the animals and kill them.

If the Sim is in a bad mood, such as angry or sad, it's best to wait until their mood improves and only then try and befriend the animals. Having a happy or confident mood works wonders in this case.

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