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The Quarry has a number of achievements, some require having all the camp counselors live, and others need just one survivor. There is also one called Blood Pact, which requires the player to infect every camp counselor with the werewolf virus. Max, Laura, and Nick automatically get infected, but it will be up to the player to get Abigail, Emma, Dylan, Jacob, Ryan, and Kaitlyn infected as well to get the Blood Pact achievement.

The Quarry's six counselors that need to be infected can be infected between chapters three and nine. Getting this achievement is very difficult without a guide, as specific quick time events need to be failed and certain decisions need to be made which allow these characters to get bitten, but not killed. The earliest chance to infect Abigail is in Chapter Three.

RELATED: The Quarry: Prologue - All Collectibles Locations (Tarot Cards, Clues & Evidence)

Infecting Abigail In Chapter Three


Abigail can only be infected in Chapter Three. After Nick is attacked, she has a variety of choices. Three moments can end up with her getting infected. The first is that she neither runs nor hides from the werewolf. The other is if she attempts to climb a tree but fails the quick-time event. Lastly, she gets bitten if she fails to hold her breath.

Abigail's infection is unique in that she has no symptoms or transformation. Characters also never mention it. Fans believe this may be a continuity error. However, it does not stop players from getting the Blood Pact achievement if Abigail does get bitten.

Infecting Emma In Chapter Four Or Six

Emma on her phone.

Emma has a couple of chances to be infected during her werewolf encounter in Chapter Four. If she fails to push the cabinet while getting to the trapdoor, the werewolf can infect her by biting her arm. If she fails the quick time event while climbing the ladder, the werewolf can bite her leg.

RELATED: The Quarry Ending Explained (Spoilers)

There is one final chance for her to get infected in Chapter Six. If she does not have any fireworks while running away from the hunters, she will get bitten by the werewolf. This means skipping obtaining the fireworks in Chapter Two or do not interact with them in Chapter Six.

Infecting Dylan In Chapter Five Or Eight


The first chance for Dylan to get infected is during Chapter Five. If the door to Cabin 10 was broken into in Chapter One by Abigail and Emma, then Dylan will get bitten by a werewolf on his hand while reaching for a wire. Do not cut off his hand, and he will stay infected.

The second chance for Dylan to be infected depends on whether Emma has successfully been infected. If she has been, then werewolf Emma will bite Dylan in Chapter Eight. This only happens if Kaitlyn does not shoot Emma when she attacks. Dylan will push Kaitlyn away and get bitten.

Infecting Jacob In Chapter Six


Like Abigail, players only get one chance to infect Jacob. It is in Chapter Six and is only done with a failed quick time event. The first attack the werewolf takes at Jacob should not be dodged. If failed successfully, Jacob's neck will be bitten, and he will be infected.

Players will need to be careful, as Jacob can die many ways in the same scene. If he fails to run or hide and does not have blood on him given by the hunters, he will die. If he fails to release himself from the rope trap, he will die. If he tries to pull free from the bear trap and then fails to stop his head from going into another bear trap, he will also die.

Infecting Ryan In Chapter Nine


Ryan can only be infected in Chapter Nine, but it is easy, requiring a straightforward choice rather than a quick-time event fail. Laura will offer to bite Ryan's arm to help him survive his wounds from the night. To get infected, he must accept her offer and not pull away while she bites.

There are also three ways Ryan can die in Chapter Nine. Be sure to shoot Chris when given a chance, and if Ryan ends up fighting Travis, succeed in shooting Travis. Of course, if he is not bitten by Laura, he will die of blood loss.

Infecting Kaitlyn In Chapter Nine


Kaitlyn can get infected in the scrapyard scene of Chapter Nine. Dylan will need to warn Kaitlyn about the oncoming werewolf. Kaitlyn will get into the car, and Dylan will lift it. Then he must choose to slam the car. Dylan will get a quick time event to drop the vehicle on the werewolf. If he fails, Kaitlyn will get bitten.

This is the only way for Kaitlyn to get infected. Once that is done, everyone should be infected by Chapter 10.

The Quarry is out now for PC, PS4/PS5, and Xbox One/ Series X/ Series S.

MORE: Complete Guide to The Quarry: Collectibles, Endings, and More