There are many mysteries to uncover while exploring the ancient Roman streets of The Forgotten City—including how to get into the Palace, and what awaits players within its walls. Naevia has locked herself inside the impressive structure, and gaining access leads to one of the game's more memorable moments.

Getting inside the Palace isn't needed to complete the story-driven indie title, but it is required to unlock three out of four possible endings in The Forgotten City. Players can use this guide to find out exactly how to get inside the Palace and discover Naevia's fate.

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How to Get Into the Palace in The Forgotten City

Desius dialogue screen Forgotten City

Players must obtain the Golden Bow to gain access to the Palace. To get the Golden Bow, the Wooden Bow in The Forgotten City must first be located. Once picked up from the assassin's body, talk to Desius at the Marketplace. He will unlock the door to the Shrine containing the Golden Bow, and players can now swap their wooden bow for it after extinguishing the lights.

Turn the hornet's nest into gold by firing an arrow at it with the bow. The floor will give way and players can now follow the path to get into the Palace. Both the algae in the water and vines in The Forgotten City can also be turned into gold. This makes them walkable/climbable, creating additional paths in this gameplay section and unlocking other areas of the city.

The Palace can only be experienced once during a playthrough, as players will keep the Golden Bow in their inventory during future time loops in The Forgotten City. Desius knows players have it in their inventory, so he won't give them the same offer that unlocks the shrine path required to gain entry into the Palace.

Image from the Skyrim former mod The Forgotten City showing a number of golden statues.

Be sure to make a save before exploring the Palace if players want to repeat the story in the future. It's a fairly dark tale, even for the game's already morally questionable undertones. However, the truth concerning Naevia and the golden statues is one of the ways The Forgotten City is better than its original Skyrim mod.

If players don't want to complete this action/horror sequence, they don't have to. However, to get the best possible ending, the Golden Bow must be obtained to gain access to a key item. As there is no way to get the Golden Bow without entering the Palace, its golden statue mystery must be experienced at least once if players wish to get more than one ending.

The Forgotten City is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: The Forgotten City: How to Get the Best Ending