The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes is the third entry in the ongoing horror series from developer Supermassive Games, and players that enjoyed its predecessor will likely want to experience it. Before fans jump into the game, though, they may have some questions about how long it takes to beat. For those players that are curious about the length of The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes, full details can be found in this guide.

How Long is The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes

To get right to it, players should expect to beat The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes in around six hours on average. Since the game essentially functions as an interactive movie, in the same vein as the previous installments in the series, that length should be fairly consistent across playthroughs. That said, there are some ways that fans can extend their time with the title if they are interested in doing so.

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The primary opportunity to do that comes in the form of the game's multiple endings. A player’s decisions throughout the game will have an impact on its closing moments, and fans that want to see absolutely everything that The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes' story has to offer will need to complete several playthroughs. It is worth noting, though, that the endings are not extremely different from one another, and players will thus not miss much if they do not unlock them all.

the dark pictures house of ashes how long to beat

For those fans that are wondering, the lengths of The Dark Pictures: Little Hope and Man of Medan are slightly less than that of House of Ashes. Indeed, a playthrough of the first of those two titles typically clocks in at around five hours, while the second usually takes around four hours to complete. This is sure to please players that were hoping for a more protracted experience in this new entry, as it is an hour or two longer than its predecessors.

While six hours is quite short for a contemporary video game, the cost of The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes is lower than it is for many new releases. More specifically, players can currently pickup a copy of the game for 29.99 USD, which may sway those horror game fans that are not sure if the length of Houses of Ashes justifies buying it. If a player does ultimately take the plunge, they can certainly expect to encounter a lot of scares once they dive in.

Dark Pictures: House of Ashes will release on October 22, 2021, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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