Over the past few years, Ryan Reynolds has gifted his fans with many fun movies to watch. Mostly famous for his role as the superhero Deadpool, the Canadian actor tends to play in action-comedy films such as Free Guy (2021), Red Notice (2021), and Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021).Ryan's latest film, The Adam Project, was just released on Netlfix last March and features many famous actors and actresses such as Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner, and Zoe Saldaña (known for her role as Gamora in the MCU and Guardians of the Galaxy). The Adam Project is the story of Adam Reed, who travels back in time to save the woman he loves, but finds himself in the wrong year and meets his younger self instead. The two team up together when their enemy finally tracks them down. This film is a must-watch for fans of Ryan Reynold's work and sense of humor. However, there are a few things that doesn't make sense in the movie.Spoiler Alert

6 Driving In The Woods With Ease

The Adam Project Driving in the Woods Without Difficulty

In one scene, Adam, his younger self, and his fiancé, Laura (Zoe Saldaña), get chased by the bad guys into the woods. At first, Laura is driving on the road, but as soon as she sees Sorian following them and shooting missiles, she turns onto "a path" in the woods even though there isn't one there.

Laura drives in a straight line without hitting a single tree face-on, which is impossible to do in this kind of unpredictable landscape. Then, she puts the car in reverse, backs up easily without a tree in her trajectory, and does a U-turn without any difficulty.

5 The Invisible Men

The Adam Project The Villains Who Can Be Invisible

The fight scene between future Adam and the soldiers in his childhood backyard could have been a lot better if the writers of the movie didn't miss out on a massive opportunity. The soldiers possess high-tech, futuristic weapons and gear that allow them to become invisible to their enemies. However, whenever they get in a fight with Adam or anyone else, they drop the invisibility cloak,.

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Why were they given such an ability if they're not going to use it to their advantage? What's more, if Adam had to fight invisible men, it would have made the scene even more interesting to watch and given the character more of a challenge.

4 No Workers Or Security Around

The Adam Project Movie, The Lack of Workers and Security

In one particular moment, Adam and his father Louis (Mark Ruffalo) enter Sorian Tech without any difficulty. The place is empty, which even the characters mentioned during the scene.

For a high-tech company that possesses the famous hard drive that created time travel, one would expect to see security guarding it or staff members tending to their duties. However, the place is vacant, which allow Adam and his father to walk right in. A handful of men only appear alongside Sorian after Adam takes the drive.

3 Flying Around Without Consequences

The Adam Project Flying Over Roads

The car chase scene had another problematic moment on top of the tree troubles. When Zoe Saldana's character, Laura, is driving on the road, a few cars are seen behind and in front of her. Some even drive by in the opposite direction, yet no one stops to look at the aircraft that appears out of thin air and starts shooting missiles.

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One of these missiles even blows up the truck behind the protagonist's car, but no one ever speaks of the incident. Many fans expected to hear the news of a weird aircraft attacking civilians on radio or TV in the background of a later scene, but it never happened.

2 Uselessly Arguing About The Hard Drive

The Adam Project When the Villain Just Don't Take The Hard Drive

This scene is one that movie buffs are too familiar with and have seen countless times before. It's a classic and predictable moment, where the antagonist explains their evil plans to the protagonist, or the two argue pointlessly instead of taking action. It's clearly a stalling tactic by the writers, buying time for someone to save the day.

The latter is what happens in this scene. Sorian asks future Adam to give her the hard drive, and despite the guns aimed at his face, he says no. Sorian or one of her men could have simply taken it out of his hands or killed him, but instead, they choose to argue and put a gun to young Adam's head. Another moment that confused fans in this scene was when older Adam winked at his younger self. How did young Adam know the wink meant to "duck when she fires the gun"?

1 The Villain Doesn't Lose Her Gun

The Adam Project Movie Sceenshot of Bullet Being Attracted by the Explosion

The final moments of the main characters' conflict didn't make any sense either. While Sorian Tech implodes from the inside, an electromagnetic force attracts everything made of metal and destroys it in the accelerator.

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Viewers see Sorian's men get pulled into the accelerator because of their suits. Sorian herself loses her first gun to the magnetic force, and even young Adam falls victim to it but survives. The confusing part about all of this is the moment future Sorian fires a bullet at Louis, and the bullet, attracted by the electromagnetic force, kills her younger self instead. Some fans wonder why the electromagnetic force affected the bullet and Sorian's first gun, but not the second one.

The Adam Project is now available for streaming on Netflix.

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