Game Rant

  • Tfue opened up about why he quit Fortnite on a podcast. 1 / 10

  • During an interview with Brand Risk, he explained his reasoning. 2 / 10

  • Essentially, Tfue claimed he just got burnt out. 3 / 10

  • Saying he can typically only stick with one game for two to three years. 4 / 10

  • By the end of his Fortnite days, he was clinging onto it. 5 / 10

  • Despite feeling as though he only played for views and not for enjoyment. 6 / 10

  • After switching to a different game, much of his fanbase followed. 7 / 10

  • And he is still doing very well for himself. 8 / 10

  • It may be difficult for some fans to see such a talent go from the game. 9 / 10

  • But it's understandable how it would get old after a while. 10 / 10

    fortnite season 4 vertical