Terraria has many captivating aspects that set it apart from similar titles, the most compelling of which is its exhilarating difficulty. Few games can boast the fun and whimsical while offering a challenge that drives players to seek new strategies and approaches in hopes of rising victorious. The hardships of this game present themselves in various ways, chiefly through formidable enemies and imposing bosses. Yet, the most unforgiving challenge comes from the Dungeon — an underground labyrinth with dangerous foes and even deadlier traps.

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Although the Dungeon is arguably the most dangerous place in Terraria, it boasts many worthwhile rarities for those brave enough to venture within. Many of these oddities are necessary for progressing through the game, while others serve as valuable components of more promising items. Regardless, before players can profit from the Dungeon and all of its loot, they must first meet the requirement for entry. Doing so is straightforward yet far from simple as players must overcome a tremendous obstacle. Here is how to get into the Dungeon in Terraria.

Find The Dungeon

Terraria Find The Dungeon

As expected, players must first find the Dungeon before anything, and while doing so is uncomplicated, it can be troublesome for less-equipped players. This labyrinth lies beyond the starting location on either of the far ends of the world, often residing past more hostile biomes like the Corrupt or the Crimson. So, players without the appropriate gear and capabilities will likely not make the journey, succumbing to whatever dangers they may encounter during their venture. Thus, players must ensure they are effectively set for the expedition beforehand.

Once players feel prepared for the journey ahead, they can begin their search for the Dungeon. Although this pursuit may seem like a wild goose hunt, there is a trend concerning where this labyrinth will appear. The only area the Dungeon can generate is near the edge of the world, the opposite side of the Jungle and the Underground Desert, the same side as the Tundra. With these factors in mind, players can effortlessly seek out this labyrinth and discover it within a much shorter period, then begin taking the steps toward getting inside.

Wait For Nighttime

Terraria Wait For Nighttime

Once players arrive at the Dungeon, they will find an NPC known as the Old Man guarding the entrance. Players would do well not to descend any deeper within the labyrinth, as doing so will cause the appearance of the Dungeon Guardian — a powerful enemy that can kill most players with a single hit. Instead, they should converse with the Old Man, who will convey his desperate desire to free himself of his curse.

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Fulfilling his request will grant players unrestricted entry into the Dungeon, yet doing so is an intimidating challenge in and of itself. As revealed by the Old Man, removing his curse will require players to defeat his master — the boss known as Skeletron — who will only appear during nighttime. Therefore, players must wait patiently throughout the day until nightfall before they can attempt to gain entry into the Dungeon.

Curse The Old Man

Terraria Curse The Old Man

Once nighttime arrives — precisely when it is 7:30 PM in-game — players will see a new dialogue option when speaking to the Old Man called "Curse." Selecting this option will cause him to transform into Skeletron, initiating a fierce and deadly boss battle. So, players should be sure and ready to challenge this boss before doing so; otherwise, they will be in for an unfavorable fight that will likely end with their defeat.

Players cannot attempt this boss battle on the same night should they be defeated as the Old Man needs to respawn, so they must thoroughly prepare to avoid waiting another day. Vanquishing Skeletron will demand similar arrangements as other bosses, chiefly the collecting of potions, buff items, and ammunition. Yet, this boss poses a unique threat that players should do their best to avoid lest they meet their demise.

Defeat Skeletron

Terraria Defeat Skeletron

Skeletron will immediately rush players upon being summoned, badgering them swiftly with its skeletal hands, which present the most pressing danger to players. These hands are not only devastating but far-reaching, a catastrophic combination that can end the battle shortly after it begins. Avoiding the skeletal hands of Skeletron is challenging, requiring a keen and well-equipped player, but there is an alternative that proves more beneficial. Rather than dodging, players can take a more dynamic approach in dealing with this boss's deadly hands.

Like other bosses, Skeletron has multiple parts, including his head and two hands. Each piece possesses a separate Health bar, meaning players can destroy individual segments should they deal enough damage. Seeing as Skeletron's hands pose the greatest threat, players should target them first with a ranged weapon until they are no more, ultimately making the fight far easier. With this strategy, players can be in a better position to defeat Skeletron, gaining entry into the Dungeon and access to all the game-changing loot within its deadly maze.

Terraria is available on PC, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, 3DS, IOS, Android, and Google Stadia.

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