There are many iconic franchises and characters within Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, including Square Enix's Cloud, Sephiroth, and Sora. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate also has an active modding community, with fans creating some brand-new character costumes or outright replacements for the available roster. One modder was inspired to add one more Final Fantasy 7 representative with a unique costume inspired by one of the most iconic characters. This post will have some SPOILERS for Final Fantasy 7.

It's no surprise that Final Fantasy 7 continues to be a massive success for Square Enix. This is evidenced by the number of Final Fantasy 7 Remake and related projects that are currently in the works. There is no shortage of love for this entry from fans and critics, which extends to the characters seen in the game. This includes the game's resident white mage, Aerith Gainsborough, a local florist from the slums of Midgar. With a character iconic as Aerith, it's very interesting to see how she's been brought over to Super Smash Bros. as a costume for one of its playable characters.

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This mod was made by LN_310, a prominent modder in the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate scene. This Aerith themed costume brings her iconic red jacket and pink dress to Zelda. The screenshots show the character costume off in various locations that are stand-ins for places in Final Fantasy 7. Some show her in Garreg Mach Monastery representing Aerith's church, the Fountain of Dreams that represent the City of the Ancients, and finally the Northern Crater where the final battle with Sephiroth takes place in the original.

Aerith Zelda Smash
FF7 Trio Smash

The choice to put Aerith over Zelda is appropriate, considering both characters control light or holy attributed magic from their original games. It's also the same character used to represent Aerith in Sephiroth's reveal trailer back in 2020, as well as the puppet fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's Spirit Mode. There's even a darkly comedic screenshot that recreates Aerith's death at the hands of Sephiroth.

The reaction to the costume has been overall positive so far, due to how much work was put into recreating Aerith's costume for Zelda in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and isn't just a simple palette swap. Mods like these show the amount of work and dedication that fans have for these characters, giving them creative new looks.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: What to Expect From the Final Fantasy Franchise in 2022

Source: GameBanana