When playing Stranded Deep, players will need to use everything at their disposal just to stay alive. Bandages are a great example of an item that will drastically improve the player's odds of success, but it can be difficult to figure out how to use them since the game doesn't exactly explain this to players. Even so, bandages are an important item, and players will likely be finding, crafting, and using them frequently throughout their time with the game. As one of the few healing items in Stranded Deep, it's important to know how to use them.

Where to Find Bandages in Stranded Deep

Players in Stranded Deep will likely come across bandages as a loot item from shipwrecks, but they can also be crafted using one cloth and one lashing. Thankfully, bandages never deteriorate or lose their effect, so players can use them no matter how long they've been sitting in a cabinet at a shipwreck or in the player's inventory.

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How to Use Bandages

The primary use of bandages is to cure bleeding, but they also have an additional effect of restoring two bars of health. The trick to using bandages is to understand that they cannot be used unless the player is bleeding, meaning they aren't an option for players that just want to restore health. This means that bandages are best saved for the unfortunate but inevitable event of a shark attack in Stranded Deep, as this will usually leave the player bleeding, causing gradual loss of health over time. To use the bandage, equip it and then press the left mouse button or use the right trigger on controllers.

stranded deep bandages cure bleeding

Bandages actually have one other alternative use as well, and that is to revive fallen comrades. Ever since Stranded Deep launched co-op back in 2021, players can now face the dangers of the world together. Should a player go down, the other player can revive them by using the bandage item on them. Approach the downed player and hold E while holding the bandage in order to revive them. For players making use of the co-op features in the game, bandages are a must-have.

Whether players are using them to heal their own wounds or revive their friends, bandages are vital to survival in the world of Stranded Deep. Players would do well to keep one on them at all times, as one can never be sure when a shark will strike or when an ally may need to be revived.

Stranded Deep is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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