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In order to unlock the suite of customization options available in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players must first track down the many chests in the world. Dredger Gorge, the opening area of Koboh, has 13 unique items for players to collect, hidden around the area.

This guide will show players where to find all chests in Dredger Gorge, covering the Gorge Crash Site, the Derelict Dam, and the Winding Ravine in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

RELATED: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - How To Get The Red Lightsaber

Gorge Crash Site

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Gorge Crash Site Chests Map-1

There are two chests to be found in the Gorge Crash Site.

Chest 1 of 2 – BD-1 Photoreceptors: Scrapyard

chest 1-2

From the Gorge Crash Site Meditation Point, head towards the cliff face to the left of the blocked path and use the Ascension Cable to reach a ledge. Here, players can find a chest containing some Photoreceptors for BD-1.

Chest 2 of 2 – Beard: Short

chest 2-1

After plenty more traversal, Cal will come upon some tar pits he must cross to progress. Using the explosives in the tar, blast a hole in the dam to raise the platform and scale the ledge above. Head along the walkways past the Pit Droid and hop over a gap onto another ledge. On the cliff beside the tree is a chest containing the Short Beard cosmetic.

Derelict Dam

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Derelict Dam Chests Map-1

Players can find eight chests at the Derelict Dam.

Chest 1 of 8 – BD-1 Body: Scrapyard

chest 1 (1)-1

Dropping down the vines from the Meditation Point, this chest can be found on the right, past the rubble piles. This item allows players to customize BD-1.

Chest 2 of 8 – Weapon Materials: Light Metal

chest 2 (1)-1

From the Meditation point, take the leftmost path in the direction of the Trontoshell, ignoring the elevator and killing any Shiverpedes hiding nearby. Down a ramp, next to a cliff, players can find a chest with some weapon customization items inside.

Chest 3 of 8 – BD-1 Materials: Anodized Metal

chest 3

Cutting through a mine a little later, fight the BX Droid and enter a cave on the right where Vashtan Wolfe will address the player. Repeatedly wall run along the ridged walls on the right to reach a chest on an upper level.

Chest 4 of 8 – Jacket: Tactical

chest 4

Continuing forwards past the BX Droid fight, drop down a shaft and press onward, dealing with the Raider in the hallway. After killing him, get BD to slice open the crate on the right to receive the Tactical Jacket.

RELATED: Star Wars Jedi – Survivor: All Coruscant Collectibles

Chest 5 of 8 – Hair: Mullet

chest 5

Blowing a hole in the dam using a Roller Mine, jump atop it, and cross the yellow platforms. This Star Wars Jedi: Survivor hairstyle is on a ledge behind the yellow rig.

Chest 6 of 8 – BD-1 Head: Scrapyard

chest 6

After taking the elevator down from the Trontoshell, fight through some Droids and Roller Mines until the area is cleared. Next, use the Force to move the crate to the ridged wall and run along it, opening the chest on the ledge above to get some BD-1 customization options.

Chest 7 of 8 – Upgrade: Stim Canister (Requires Force Lift)

chest 7

After using Force Lift to open the heavy metal door on the cliff overlooking the dam, this upgrade is on the ledge of the arena where players take on the mighty Gorocco Matriarch.

Chest 8 of 8 – Weapon Materials: Two Tone Metal (Requires Electro Dart)

chest 8

In an Electro Dart chest outside of Vashtan Wolfe’s door, where players can find the Anodized Metal for BD-1.

Winding Ravine (Requires Confusion: Mega Fauna)

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Winding Ravine Chests Map

After obtaining the ability in the Bilemaw Den, use the Force to draw the Trontoshell closer to Cal, where he can jump onto the vines on its barbels to reach this location. The Winding Ravine has 3 chests hidden in its depths.

Chest 1 of 3 – Weapon Materials: Warm Metal

chest 1 (2)-1

In the Ravine, take the path on the left and clear the area of Gorgers. Moving the box to reach a ledge, wall run into a cave on the left to find this chest.

Chest 2 of 3 – Beard: Goatee

chest 2 (2)

Finding a second box on a ledge after wall running, push it down and stack the boxes, moving them over to the ridged wall to the left of where players entered this area. The chest is found on a ledge above.

Chest 3 of 3 – Lightsaber: Hunter

chest 3 (1)

After defeating the Gorocco and gliding down on the Relter, this chest is in between the Relter and the Shortcut.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is currently available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.