The latest trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a buffet of teases, revealing potentially Darth Vader or another Sith Lord, various story elements tying together the trailers previously released, lightsaber duels, and some epic boss fights to come.

In the trailers released since the announcement at E3 2019 for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, gamers have seen a number of new Fallen Order gameplay details and game mechanic elements revealed. This includes a robot buddy helps open doors, lights up a map for the player to use, and keeps Cal healed up after fights. The latest trailer expands upon Fallen Order's story and gameplay details even further.

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In the trailer titled “Cal’s Mission” Cal is first seen defending himself and fleeing from a Sith Inquisitor, which fans of the comics will recognize as the Second Sister. If the rest of the trailer is any indication, she looks to be one of the main antagonists in the game as she voices over the trailer explaining that “He is searching for something.” Of course who that is in reference to gamers can only assume is Darth Vader, as viewers can hear a moment of his breathing apparatus wheezing away.

Throughout the rest of the trailer are some scary scenes of Cal dueling against a tough opponent seen in previous trailers who wields weapons resistant to lightsabers. The movements and careful strikes and defensive maneuvers are something reminiscent of the Jedi Force Academy games. While the run-of-the-mill Stormtroopers satisfyingly go down in a single hit or deflected blaster shot, these harder opponents require thought and skill, which is refreshing to see.

Also seen in the trailers is Cal facing off against a giant bat-like creature Gorgara, a chirodactyl. Also for a brief moment the Ninth Sister in her hulking form appears, as she overlooks what may be an execution, though it’s hard to know for certain given the angles in the video.

Gamers maybe wondering when Fallen Order takes place. The game’s timeline suggests this all happens after the Jedi purge, but likely before Episode IV: A New Hope, and perhaps even Rogue One. Along with AT-STs, AT-ATs covered in swamp muck, an angry giant toad-like creature, and the promise of exploration and discovery, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is looking to make itself a top contender in the action genre.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is scheduled for release on November 15th for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: YouTube