Trial of Skill is the second mission that players will undertake with the secret apprentice in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for Nintendo Switch, and it marks the first trip to the Jedi Temple. While visiting this location, fans have the opportunity to pick up several collectibles, including six Jedi Holocrons, one Force Holocron, and one Lightsaber Crystal. For those players that are interested in obtaining all of these collectibles in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed's Trial of Skill mission, this guide details their precise positions.

To note, fans that have picked up all of the Prologue and TIE Construction Yard collectibles in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed should have 40 Jedi Holocrons, one Health Holocron, one Force Holocron, and one Lightsaber Crystal by the time that they reach the Jedi Temple. While it is certainly not mandatory that players find all of these items, those that are interested in 100% completion may want to confirm their holdings before advancing much further.

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Switch) - Trial of Skill Collectibles (Jedi Temple #1)

Jedi Holocron #1

After loading into the level, players should make their way forward and to the left. After traveling in this direction for a short time, fans will encounter a large piece of rubble, and moving it will reveal the first Jedi Holocron.

Jedi Holocron #2

star wars force unleashed trial of skill collectibles

Players should now make their way into the temple and immediately turn right upon entering the first large room. The second Jedi Holocron is just ahead.

Purple Lightsaber Crystal

star wars force unleashed trial of skill collectible

The Purple Lightsaber Crystal is also in the first large room, hiding in the statue that is shown in this image. Players should use a Force Power in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed to break the stone and reveal the collectible.

Force Holocron

star wars force unleashed trial of skill collectibles

The Force Holocron is yet another collectible that is inside one of the large room's statues, and it can be uncovered by using Force Push.

Jedi Holocron #3

star wars force unleashed trial of skill collectible

The third Jedi Holocron is at the end of the large room that is opposite from its entrance, behind some rubble.

Jedi Holocron #4

The Star Wars: The Force Unleashed protagonist should now climb the debris that leads out of the large room and toward the next waypoint. Upon reaching the top of this debris, fans should turn to their left and jump off the edge to find the fourth Jedi Holocron.

Jedi Holocron #5

star wars force unleashed trial of skill collectibles

The fifth Jedi Holocron is in the large statue shown in this image, which fans will encounter shortly after breaking through some rubble that is stacked in a doorway.

Jedi Holocron #6

star wars force unleashed trial of skill collectible

This mission's final Jedi Holocron is behind the large statue that is in the arena where the fight with Darth Desolous occurs.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is available for Switch.

MORE: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Switch Review