Splatoon 3's new story mode has cast light on some of fans' most burning questions, including humanity's fate. The series' core focus has been on multiplayer battles and Turf Wars, while its ink stylization and marine themes were just typical Nintendo family-friendly dressing. But when the series' third game was revealed with trailers depicting a ravaged wasteland and an upside-down Eiffel Tower in early Splatoon 3 images, it immediately got fans speculating.

Questions have long concerned happened to humans and how the planet ended up the way it is now. Thanks to Splatoon 3's story mode, Return of the Mammalians, some of these questions have been answered. The Alterna Logs, a series of in-game archive entries, explains what happened to humans, how Inkling and Octoling life formed, and the origin story behind one of Splatoon's main antagonists. Spoilers for Splatoon 3 ahead.

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Log001: The Fall of Humanity

Alterna Log001 from Splatoon 3's story mode depicting a crater

The first log details an extinction-level scenario that nearly wiped out all of humanity due to overuse of the planet's resources, accelerated growth, and inaction about climate change. Not all humans were killed, with a small fraction surviving in a crater left by a volcanic eruption. This cavern provided the humans shelter and a source of seawater, and along with the seawater was an abundance of marine life that had long been thriving without humanity's interference. It's clearly no coincidence that the log mentions squids, octopi, and jellyfish in particular.

Log002: The Rise of Civilization (Again)

Alterna Log002 from Splatoon 3 depicting scientists from Alterna

Following these cataclysmic events, the remaining humans placed scientists in charge, believed to be the best path forward to regrowth. The new society, designed to be self-sustaining, was named "Alterna." Some nostalgic scientists printed various artifacts and monuments such as the Easter Island heads, explaining why these items exist across Splatoon 3's story areas. The same log also details how the humans created O.R.C.A., an AI system designed to record all of human history and knowledge.

Log003: A New Sky

Alterna Log003 from Splatoon 3 depicting humans stood before crystal screens of Earth before the cataclysm

The third log details the development and application of liquid crystals using the bodily fluids of squids. These crystals could pick up on ambient thoughts and feelings, and reflect visuals from peoples' minds. As a result, humans became infatuated with the crystals, mass-producing them to line the walls and roof of Alterna in order to project a vision of Earth before the cataclysm. The log specifically states this invention occurred 25 years after being confined underground, allowing players to create a timeline of events.

Log004: Humanity's Final Day

Alterna Log004 from Splatoon 3 depicting a warning error message from ORCA.

After many years of Alterna existing in peaceful prosperity, it seems history was doomed to repeat itself as the original scientists passed their responsibilities to a younger generation. These younger scientists were dissatisfied with being confined underground and wanted to see the real sky, so they built a rocket to escape Alterna. When the rocket was launched, it caused a chain reaction that overloaded the liquid crystals and ultimately destroyed the cavern, supposedly eradicating humanity on Earth and ending an era in Splatoon history.

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Log005: Fresh Intelligence Awakens

Alterna Log005 from Splatoon 3 depicting an octopus ingesting the liquid crystals and evolving as a result.

As the cavern collapsed, liquid crystals fell into the sea - retaining the imbued thoughts and feelings of humanity, and were consumed by the marine life. Over time, the sea creatures began to evolve rapidly. Paralleling the same evolutionary traits of humans, such as pulmonary respiration and mobility, they soon set foot on land and sought out the Earth's surface just as the humans had once desired. The actual timeline for their evolution is unclear.

Log006: The Land of Fresh Beginnings

Alterna Log006 from Splatoon 3 depicting how Octolings and Inklings spread across Earth

The final official log details how these new creatures spread across the world. The crater above Alterna and its surrounding area was dubbed "Splatlands," setting the stage for Splatoon 3. The log also details how these creatures established new cultures and societies across Earth, with the most intelligent of the species such as squids and octopuses becoming dominant. It wasn't until 5,000 years later that the first individual who would become the progenitor of the Squidling and Octoling races emerged, leading to more modern civilizations.

Log.exe: Return of the Mammalians

Alterna Log.exe from Splatoon 3 depicting humanity adrift in space after the cataclysm.

One final log is unlocked at the end of Splatoon 3's story, upon beating the "After Alterna" mission, and it primarily explores Mr. Grizz's origin and motivations. While some survivors went underground, others left Earth altogether and boarded a rocket called Ark Polaris to colonize a new planet. However, the Ark Polaris didn't make it far before it was damaged and consequently tried to return. Ultimately, it was left drifting in space for 10,000 years until its orbit decayed and it crashed into Earth, allowing Mr. Grizz to emerge from hibernation and attempt reclaim the planet.

In the final log, it's likely clear that humanity did not survive being adrift in space, though if Mr. Grizz did it's not entirely impossible. This may introduce new potential for humanity's return in future Splatoon DLC and games.

Splatoon 3 is available now on Switch.

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