The Spider-Man: Miles Morales Launch Edition, better known as Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition, comes with all sorts of pre-order bonuses. Those who take advantage of the deal will find extra skill points available for them at the start of the game, a new gadget to play around with, and, of course, brand new alternate outfits to wear.

The news comes by way of the UK retailer GAME, who put up a product listing for Spider-Man: Miles Morales soon after the game's release date was announced at the September 2020 PlayStation 5 showcase. This listing included an image displaying all of the Ultimate Edition's special pre-order bonuses, but it seems that GAME revealed a bit too much, as the image was taken down soon thereafter.

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According to the promotional image — and a rather detailed Spider-Man: Miles Morales product listing from Target — pre-ordering Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition grants buyers two different alternate Spider-Man suits, one of which has been revealed.


spider-man alternative suit promotion

The suit is called T.R.A.C.K and its look was designed by Javier Garrón, who is best known for his work on Marvel's MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN comic book series. T.R.A.C.K is an acronym that stands for "Time Response Activated Circuit Kinetic." Target claims that the suit will allow Miles to unlock the Untrackable Suit mod, which sounds like it increases his invisibility powers.

The new Spider-Man gadget that players will receive is called Gravity Well, and it's a tool that pulls enemies together, knocks them down, and disarms them. It sounds somewhat similar to Peter Parker's Suspension Matrix, which trapped enemies in an anti-gravity field and allowed Peter to attack them freely. The Gravity Well won't be exclusive to those who pre-order it, though; it will just be available from the start of the game. Currently, it's unclear if the alternate suits will work like this too.

Extra skill points mean that players will be able to unlock Miles' powers and abilities faster in the early-game. How many extra skill points players will receive wasn't touched on, though. The amount, along with the second alternative Spidey suit, will get announced at a later date.

Without pre-orders, Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition will come with a Spider-Man PS4 remaster. Said remaster will have ray-tracing effects, better lighting and shadows, and a world that's even more populated. It will also add three new alternate Spider-Man suits for Peter to choose from.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales launches November 12 for PS4 and PS5.

MORE: Spider-Man: Miles Morales - Who Are The Underground?

Source: GAME / Target