A Sonic the Hedgehog fan has made a personally designed Cream the Rabbit Chao plush toy. Despite how the series' adorable Chao remain rather popular to this day, merchandise of them had been scarce until recently. Now fans can find at least a few neutral, dark, and hero-alignment plush toys on shelves in stores. Some fans want something a bit more exciting, though.These little creatures have been known to change their form based on how they're raised, and as a result, they come in many different shapes and colors. The most exotic version of the Chao from Sonic the Hedgehog have always been the "character Chao" that take on the appearance of the iconic core Sonic cast.RELATED: Sonic Frontiers Clip Shows Hilarious Way to Reach Giganto Boss EarlyHowever, the character Chao were phased out of the series when it had moved on from the famous Chao raising mechanics. A fan contacted plush artist Michael K on Twitter for a commission of a character Chao that wasn't made officially in the past based on Cream the Rabbit.

Michael K himself is a Sonic fan also and has eagerly responded to fans' reactions to the plush with enthusiasm to make more if commissioned for it just like he was for the Cream the Rabbit one. However, he also says that the commissioner was responsible for the design of the particular character Chao starring the sweet little bunny character who first appeared in Sonic Advance 2.

Cream having her own character Chao is a great concept. Not only is Cream the Rabbit heroic just like her friends Amy Rose and Blaze the Cat, but she is also known for being sweet, kind, and always one to use her manners. As a result, being a Hero Chao is very fitting. Being made into one of these critters, in general, is great for Cream, as her best friend, Cheese the Chao, joins her on all of her adventures. Cheese is also arguably a reason why Chao were never phased out entirely.

While Chao raising hasn't been seen in a mainline Sonic game in over 20 years, the fans are doing their part to keep them alive and well in the meantime. After all, Sonic Team has told fans numerous times over the years that if they wish to see the little creatures return in Chao Gardens again, there needs to be a substantial amount of support first. One way that Sonic the Hedgehog fans can show their support is with official merchandise, as seen with how First 4 Figures is looking for interest in a potential Chao Garden statue series. However, making their own is great, too, as it continues to keep Chao in the conversation.

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