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The second boss in Solar Ash is Forgotten Thresher, a huge whale-like flying monster. This fiend made from dark slime and huge bony plates will fly around the tall buildings of the game's second area. Players will have to board it from below, similar to how they defeated the first boss in the game: Crater Ouroboros. However, Forgotten Thresher has a more explosive defense mechanism than the previous boss.

RELATED: Solar Ash: How To Beat Crater Ouroboros

The underside of Forgotten Thresher will occasionally rain down explosive objects that will detonate when they hit the ground. Avoiding these can be tricky, but so is running on the boss' back to hit their weak points. Thankfully, there are some things to keep in mind that can make this Solar Ash boss fight easier.

Step 1 - Grapple Onto Forgotten Thresher

solar ash grappling onto forgotten thresher

Where & How To Grapple Onto The Boss

The only real way to get onto the boss is by grappling. To grapple, press the R1 button if using a PlayStation controller. Furthermore, players can increase the range at which they can grapple by using the Circle button to activate the timeskip ability. Timeskip also slows down time for a short duration, making it easier to line up a shot. The grapple point to mount the boss is underneath the central part of its body, close to where the bombs come from.

RELATED: Solar Ash: How To Clear All Anomalies In The Crater

About The Bomb Attack & How To Avoid It

Be wary when approaching Forgotten Thresher from below, as it will occasionally drop bombs from its underside. These explosives will cause the player to lose a shield cell each time they get hit. To avoid getting hit by these bombs, it would be best to approach Forgotten Thresher's grapple point from the side as opposed to running up to it while under the boss' body.

Can You Get On Top Of Forgotten Thresher By Jumping Off Of A Building?

Some players may get the idea that the surrounding buildings could make it easier to get to the boss' weak points faster, however, this is not possible. Players must begin each attack against Forgotten Thresher by first grappling onto the weak point underneath its body. As such, jumping onto its back from a building would not allow players to find any weak points.

Step 2 - Hit Forgotten Thresher's Main Weak Point 3 Times

solar ash forgotten thresher phase 2

About Weak Points

Like with all bosses in Solar Ash, players will have to hit Forgotten Thresher's main weak point 3 times, however, one will need to access it by hitting many lesser weak points first. These lesser weak points appear as light green poles, which need to be hit by melees attacks (Square button), and aerial blobs, which need to be hit by grappling to them (R1).

How To Get To Each Weak Point Quickly

Players will have to run along the monster's back in order to strike each minor weak point, however, there is a timer that is constantly counting down. If one takes too long to hit a weak point and the timer runs out, a wave of energy will swarm across the boss' body. This attack will reset the player to the nearest checkpoint while also taking away 1 shield charge. Players can move quicker by skating (L2) and boosting (R2) across the bony plates.

About Phase 3

After taking 2 of the boss' 3 Health, Forgotten Thresher will enter phase 2, which will cause them to turn mostly red. If players now touch any part of the boss' body except the white bony plates, they will be reset to the most recent checkpoint and will lose a shield cell.

Solar Ash is available on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Playstation 5.

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