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As the first boss in Solar Ash, Crater Ouroboros will be the first real test of a player's skills. Gamers will have to take down this huge serpentine enemy after waking it up by clearing all of the anomalies out of the Crater.

RELATED: Solar Ash: How To Clear All Anomalies In The Crater

Like all bosses in Solar Ash, Crater Ouroboros has 3 Health that players will need to reduce by striking the foe's main weak point on top of its head. To do so, one will have to scale the beast and then dash across its back to attack the weak areas along the creature's spine.

Step 1 - Grapple Onto The Tail

solar ash boarding the tail of crater ouroboros

About Grappling

By using the R1 button, if using a PlayStation controller, players can grapple onto certain objects with their multi-tool. There is such a point on Crater Ouroboros' tail. In order to grapple onto it from further away, and during slowed time, press the Circle button on the controller to use the timeskip ability.

Getting Into Position Quicker

Players can get into a position to latch onto the boss' tail more quickly by skating (L2) and boosting (R2) towards the end of the fiend. This will allow one to cover ground swiftly, so the time between failed attempts can be decreased. The better one gets at crossing the foamy blue terrain, the quicker one will be able to take down this boss.

Step 2 - Run Across The Boss' Back To Hit The Weak Points

solar ash running on crater ouroboros

How To Get To All The Weak Points Quickly

Running along the back of this huge beast will feel a bit like running along the top of a speeding train. Gamers will have to jump from one bony plate to the next in order to reach all of the light green weak points that appear. There is also a time limit before Crater Ouroboros sends a destructive wave of energy, which can only be prevented by striking the green weak points. This means that players need to be fast, so using L2 to skate and R2 to boost is highly recommended.

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What You Need To Know About Weak Points

There are 2 types of weak points: melee ones that you need to hit with an attack (Square button) and aerial ones that you need to hit by grappling to them (R1). The melee weak points are vertical light green poles while the aerial weak points are floating spherical green blobs.

Step 3 - Hit The Main Weak Point 3 Times

solar ash crater ouroboros phase 2

How To Deal Damage To The Boss

When the player has hit enough minor weak points, the main one on the head of Crater Ouroboros will open up. This will allow Rei to strike it with an energy spear made by her multi-tool, which will cause the boss to lose 1 Health. Doing so will also reset the player to a nearby location. As such, gamers will need to repeat the process a couple more times to fully defeat this colossal adversary.

About Phase 2

After a boss losses 2 out of its 3 Health, it will enter its second phase, where it turns red and contact with anything other than the bony plates on its body will cause a player to lose 1 shield cell. When one loses a shield cell when fighting a boss, they get sent to the most recent checkpoint. Thankfully, the damage progress against Crater Ouroboros does not get reset each time this happens. This phase will be similar to how one took the previous 2 Health from the boss, but faster and with more danger. With less room for error thanks to the deadly red energy, this phase can take many tries.

Solar Ash is available on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

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