During their playtime in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, one player discovers a glitch that fills a room with dogs. While players have been able to duplicate many items in Skyrim, such as Elder Scrolls and cheese blocks, this player instead somehow ended up with a massive pack of dogs.

The open world of Skyrim is filled with life, and dogs are among the animals players can come across while adventuring. Beyond adding to the world, dogs can also be befriended, allowing players to take the animals with them on their travels. Furthermore, some of these canines even have names, such as Bran & Sceolang. Recently, a gamer found a large group of dogs in the same place.

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In a post on Reddit, a user known as ARXEUS_ shared a screenshot from their time playing Skyrim. While there is no shortage of unusual images from Skyrim on the internet, this one stood out because the gamer had managed to find a glitch that appeared to duplicate some of the dogs found in the game. In the picture, the player stood in the middle of a large stone building that appeared to be located at Fort Dawngaurd and looked toward an unnaturally large pack of dogs.

Unfortunately, it is unknown what glitch caused so many dogs to appear in one area. When posting the image to Reddit, ARXEUS_ noted that they believed a bug caused the multiplying dogs, but they did not mention what made this occur. Interestingly, the design of the many duplicate dogs appeared to be that of Bran and Sceolang, which would make sense based on the location that the image was taken.

Regardless, numerous members of the Skyrim community on Reddit have taken notice of the unusual occurrence. The post has gained over 500 upvotes in less than a day, and many users have joked about the glitch. “All you need now is a sled,” one gamer joked, suggesting that ARXEUS_ should start a dog sledding team. In addition, some gamers talked about different mods that would allow the player to actually pet the animals in Skyrim.

Unsurprisingly, this is only one of many glitches players continue to find in Skyrim despite the game being over 11 years old. Beyond this multiplying dogs glitch, another player recently discovered a bug that showed them completing a ridiculous amount of Skyrim quests on Xbox Live. Given the game’s track record, it seems likely that players will continue to encounter even more humous glitches until The Elder Scrolls 6 eventually releases.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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