Shin Megami Tensei 5 starts somewhat normally, as these games tend to do. Players are attending high school and they make new friends, but things eventually take a turn for the worse. The hero, unnamed in any official canon, gets transported into what seems like 20 years into the future of Tokyo, or so it seems. The city is a complete wreck. The buildings lie in disarray and there is sand everywhere.

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The worst part is the demons running rampant. In a lucky twist of fate, the hero is saved by a demon, merges with them, and becomes a hybrid being known as the Nahobino. That’s the basic premise but how exactly does Shin Megami Tensei 5 play and are there any tips to help out beginners in this lengthy RPG?

8 How Saving And Fast Travel Works

A leyline fount from Shin Megami Tensei 5

Players need to stay on top of saving because there are no auto-saves in Shin Megami Tensei 5. Save points are few and far between too which can give the game unwanted tension with the thought of progression loss around every corner.

On the plus side, these save points also house various shops and the fast travel system. Players will eventually unlock a way to warp back to their last save point anywhere in the game which is also a nice convenience. It’s called a Return Pillar.

7 Don’t Forget To Grab The Free DLC

Shohei from Shin Megami Tensei 5

There are four difficulties in the game: Safety, Casual, Normal, and Hard. Safety has to be downloaded from the eShop but it’s free. It makes players almost invincible in battle which is nice in case they get stuck on a tricky boss or something. It makes the game the most accessible in the series yet.

Some players may be only in it for the story too. Safety, Casual, and Normal modes can be changed at any point outside of battle. Picking Hard at the beginning will lock players in from start to finish so maybe don’t check that out for the first playthrough.

6 Diversify Your Party

Fighting a boss in Shin Megami Tensei 5

It’s a good idea to talk to every type of demon players come across. Enemy demons have certain weaknesses from fire to ice. Acquiring every demon should ensure players will always have the right elemental skill lying around to exploit in battle.

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Keep demons in the party until all of their skills are learned. After that is a good time to start fusing new demons. As an extra tip, the first big boss is weak to ice so prioritize those elemental attacks early on.

5 Miracles To Prioritize

The end battle reward stance from Shin Megami Tensei 5

Miracles are passive skills players can learn through collecting Glory. This is a separate currency from cash, Macca. Glory can be rewarded through chests in the world and by finding Miman. This is one of the biggest quests in Shin Megami Tensei 5.

There are three options to buy right away. One will increase how many demons players can befriend at one time. Another can increase the number of ability slots the player gets and the final one does the same but for demons. These three are invaluable early on.

4 An Extra Fast-Forward Step

Fighting an enemy in Shin Megami Tensei 5

There is a fast-forward feature in the game which allows players to skim through text in cutscenes. Turning on auto-battle in combat will also increase speed. There is another way to shorten time besides using auto-battle.

Go into the options menu and select to simplify animations. Players can also just tap the A button whenever a hero or enemy starts an attack. Either option will have the same effect.

3 Exploring And Side Quests

Exploring the world in Shin Megami Tensei 5

One of the newest elements introduced in Shin Megami Tensei 5 is an almost full open world. That in and of itself may be a surprise to find out. There is a lot to see and do out there from fighting enemies to collecting the aforementioned Mimans.

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Two elements stick out the most. First, do the side quests. They won’t offer huge challenges but their rewards will be plentiful for the amount of time taken. Also, be aware of giant glowing statues. Tapping them will reward the entire party with a huge experience boost but only one time. Use them wisely.

2 Save Your Macca

Talking to a Miman in Shin Megami Tensei 5

Macca can be used at the shop to buy items, but doing so would be a waste of resources. Items are more than plentiful in the open world and after combat. Macca is more useful as a bargaining tool instead.

When talking to demons, they will often wish for Macca. The more Macca players have, the more likely a chance they can acquire a new demon partner. Demons can also be re-summoned after they are befriended in the Demon Compendium. This also uses Macca. The overall rule is to spend Macca on demons and not items if players can help it.

1 A Big Twist Awaits

The main character from Shin Megami Tensei 5

Shin Megami Tensei 5 begins relatively quickly for an entry in this series. Players will be exploring the wastes of Tokyo and fighting demons in about fifteen minutes. There will be minimal interruptions of story elements for about the next ten hours.

It can feel like a solitary experience without much narrative push. That is until players reach the angelic stronghold at the Diet Building. After that, a twist will happen which will change everything. The tip here is to persevere because after this point Shin Megami Tensei 5 will open up even more.

Shin Megami Tensei 5 was released on November 11, 2021, and is available on Switch exclusively.

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