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After meeting the green-skinned merchant Gustave in Shin Megami Tensei 5, they will task the player with finding their minions, the Miman, that are scattered around the world. There are hundreds of these red-tailed little fellows, and each of them will give the protagonist 5 Glory--a rare commodity used for upgrades.

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In addition to the Glory gained, Gustave will give the hero rewards every time they locate certain amounts of the small Miman. As such, it's in the player's best interest to find as many Miman as they can! They're tricky to spot, however, after searching around the Netherworld, players will be able to get the gist of where to look to find Miman more easily throughout the rest of Shin Megami Tensei 5. There are 11 Miman that can be found between the beginning of the game and the first true boss fight (Hydra) at Tokyo Tower.

Miman #1 - South Of The Passive Mokoi

shin megami tensei 5 miman 1 netherworld location

One of the first Miman that players can come across can be found just south of a passive demon called Mokoi, who is sitting on a rock on the left path that is north from where one meets Gustave at the first Leyline Fount. This Miman will be hanging out behind some rubble near a streetlamp.

Miman #2 - At The Base Of A Broken Building

shin megami tensei 5 miman 2 netherworld location

South and a bit east of Miman #1, players can find another Miman in a sandy stretch below a broken building. This spot is off of the beaten path and is the first Miman that will force players to do some exploring. When surrounded by structures, it would be best to look around, above, and under them for loot and collectibles like this.

Miman #3 - On Some Stairs North Of The First Leyline Fount

shin megami tensei 5 miman 3 location netherworld

While Miman #3 is the closest to the first Leyline Fount in the game, it's pretty easy to miss them since they are inconspicuously relaxing in a place players won't be inclined to look. This Miman is resting on some stairs leading to an overpass walkway north and slightly east from where one meets Gustave.

Finding this little fellow will be a lesson for players to check every nook and cranny for collectibles, even in spots that don't seem like they're hiding anything.

Miman #4 - On A Ledge Overlooking A Leyline Fount By The First Abscess

shin megami tensei 5 miman 4 location netherworld

This red-skinned minion of Gustave will almost be looking directly at the player from a rocky perch, which will make them pretty easy to spy from below.

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Miman #4 is found overlooking the Leyline Fount that is found just before the first Abscess in the game. To get up to them, players will need to ascend the nearby stairs, cross the walkway, and then leap up to the rock where the Miman is standing.

Miman #5 - On A Ledge Past The First Abscess

shin megami tensei 5 miman 5 location netherworld

Similar to the previous Miman, this one can be found at a slightly higher elevation. After players deal with the first Abscess, the area beyond will be clear to travel. However, don't go too far, as Miman #5 is on a ledge overlooking the spot where the player just took down the Abscess. Simply walk and jump up to them via the nearby slope.

Miman #6 - In The Train Station

shin megami tensei 5 miman 6 netherworld location

There is a part of the Netherworld map that stands out as it has a small, cubic train station. Within this rundown station, behind the still train, players can find Miman #6. The hero will have to run around the train to find the empty tracks where the Miman is jumping around pleasantly.

Miman #7 - South Of The Train Station And By Some Treasure

shin megami tensei 5 miman 7 netherworld location

To find the next Miman, travel south from the train station until one comes across a triangular area with a treasure. Just east of the treasure, players can find Miman #7 hanging out near a large rock. There isn't much in the way of obstacles and distractions here, so it should be easy to spot them.

Miman #8 - Southwest Of The First Punishing Enemy

shin megami tensei 5 miman 8 location netherworld

This one will bring the protagonist close to a very powerful enemy, so be cautious when exploring this area. Miman #8 is found behind some rocks southwest of the Punishing Enemy that takes the form of a huge humanoid made of rock.

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This powerful enemy will immediately be hostile and will chase the player as they approach, however, the big stone golem is very slow and easy to outmaneuver. Though, keep in mind that this foe is arguably stronger than the first boss of the area, so be wary if one decides to face them in a fight.

Miman #9 - At the Top Of A Decrepit Building

shin megami tensei 5 miman 9 netherworld location

North of the area with the giant stone enemy, there will be some light platforming that needs to be done in order to reach the next part of the Netherworld map. From here, go east to find a decrepit building overlooking a dead-end road with a bunch of Agathion demons (little green imps in floating jars).

On the east side of this building will be a stairway that leads all the way up to some treasure. From the spot where the treasure is sitting, look down to spot Miman #9 on a separate platform of rubble. Leap down there in order to talk to them and send them back to Gustave.

Miman #10 - Behind A Rock And Along A Switchback Path

shin megami tensei 5 miman 10 netherworld location

While progressing up and toward Tokyo Tower for the main quest's objective, players will have to ascend sandy hills that turn back onto each other.

Along the first narrow stretch, which is populated by many Sandman enemies (demons with crescent moons for heads), there will be some large rocks. Check behind the largest rock on the center of this path to find Miman #10.

Miman #11 - On A Dead-End Path Up A Broken Stretch Of Highway

shin megami tensei 5 miman 11 netherworld location

The final Miman that can be found before the Hydra boss fight at Tokyo Tower is located south of the nearest Abscess to it. On the southwest end of the first narrow path, the same path where one found Miman #10, there will be a stretch of broken highway leading uphill. At the top, players will find a dead-end and some minor demons. On the southern tip of this small plateau, there will be Miman #11, who is hanging out behind some large rocks.

After finding these first 11 Miman in the game, players will most likely have a grasp of where to find the rest. Be sure to check behind rocks, around structures of all kinds, and even simply look up at overhanging ledges to find as many Miman as possible.

Shin Megami Tensei 5 is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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