Three episodes of the latest MCU show She-Hulk: Attorney At Law have aired so far, and fans have gotten a fun glimpse of the story of Jennifer Walters, perfectly played by Tatiana Maslany. After watching the actor play several clones on the sci-fi series Orphan Black, it was clear that she was exactly the right person to take this character on, and the show has been a lot of fun so far.

Looking toward the season 1 finale of She-Hulk, it seems that there might not be the same kind of episode that Marvel fans have grown used to. Could She-Hulk end with a funny and smart episode but without any big twists or swings?

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Marvel TV shows are known for epic finales that fans keep talking about. Moon Knight has a great season finale and Ms. Marvel has a fun X-Men twist, and no one can forget WandaVision's meta series finale. But so far, season 1 of She-Hulk has been pure fun, which suggests that there might not be the same kind of final episode that makes viewers wonder what come next or suggests a deeper meaning.

Jen twerks with Megan Thee Stallion in She-Hulk

There are many funny TV lawyer characters just like She-Hulk, and Tatiana Maslany's character fully embraces her newfound powers and new life. She wants to continue doing an incredible job in the legal field and helping fight for her clients, and she realizes that this new identity can actually help her in that regard.

Since She-Hulk focuses on the main character's journey and how she learns to like a part of herself that others are paying a lot of attention to, it's possible that the show doesn't need a big, splashy finale. Perhaps it's enough to just enjoy the episodes and the fun surprises that are in store. In the third episode of She-Hulk, Megan Thee Stallion shows up, and the cameo is awesome. It's possible that there could be another cool guest star in the season 1 finale, but beyond that, it seems like the show has a laid-back, comedic vibe and might just end and suggest "That's all there is!"

Watching the main character is a total joy as She-Hulk is kind, thoughtful, caring, and funny, and Tatiana Maslany has stepped into the role perfectly and brilliantly. In an interview with Elle, Maslany shared that she loved the script for She-Hulk and knew that this meant starring in a massive Marvel series that would bring more fame and attention than what she got for Orphan Black. The actor explained, “It just spoke to me in a way that I was like, ‘I don’t know that I can do this. And that’s exciting to me. I don’t know that I was like, ‘I can take everything that comes with this,’ but I definitely was like, ‘This work will be interesting enough to me to warrant a little bit of a shift in my life if that’s what happens. And if not, great.’”

she hulk feature Cropped

While WandaVision talks about sitcoms She-Hulk definitely is a sitcom, almost following a case-of-the-week format with She-Hulk helping various superhumans. Since this is the case, the need for a massive, epic finale that grabs everyone's attention doesn't feel that necessary. It's enough to watch this great actor inhabit this role and to learn more about how Jennifer becomes someone with powers and still holds onto the person who she wants to be. Her career is very important to her so no matter what happens and no matter how famous she gets, she will never lose sight of that. That is definitely memorable and inspiring to watch.

It's interesting that in a time of big swings and constant plot twists, a TV series deciding to have a season finale that doesn't have any wild moments is even more surprising than bringing the show in a completely new direction. It's possible to see the series as a character study rather than one that needs to include lots of twists. She-Hulk is about the important theme of female liberation and watching Jennifer/She-Hulk adjust to being thrust into the spotlight is fascinating. It feels right to focus on this awesome and intelligent character and a big plot twist might distract from what the show is really about.

Right away, fans can see that Jennifer is different from her cousin, Mark Ruffalo's character Bruce Banner/The Hulk, as she shares that she can "control her anger" and she does approach her new powers in a calm, rational manner. Viewers might not get a wild season 1 finale of She-Hulk, and that's okay. It's best to sit back, enjoy the ride, and smile at Jennifer's well-drawn character and the many hilarious quotes that are part of this great first season.

NEXT: Now is the Time for a New Hulk or She-Hulk Game