The SCP Foundation has had a notable influence on gaming, though outside of Control, it hasn't received the big-budget treatment it deserves. This is a pity, as the world of the SCP Foundation is a rich one filled with strange anomalies that are as horrifying as they are interesting. A game exploring the fictional organization needn't explore its entire history, as some SCPs are creative enough to carry entire games on their own.

Fortunately, Remedy Entertainment is not done with Control just yet, which is good news for SCP fans. In addition to a new mainline entry, gamers can also look forward to a multiplayer game set in Control's enigmatic universe. Although the series does not directly reference the SCP Foundation, it bears enough similarities to satisfy any fans.

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The SCP Foundation and Gaming


The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization aiming to protect humanity and the universe from strange anomalous entities. The organization functions in secrecy, much like the Men in Black, and the different anomalies are recorded in reports that follow a specific format. Since its formation in the 2000s, the SCP Foundation has gathered quite a large fan base who regularly visit the site to read about the various entities discovered and the adventures SCP agents go on.

Reports on the SCP Foundation website are written by the community. Anyone who has a good idea can write their own report introducing a new SCP or expanding on a previously known one. If the entry is good enough, and it follows the correct format, it has the chance of making it on the site and becoming canon. The collaborative nature of the site ensures it always has a steady stream of new ideas, which has allowed it to become massive.

The amount of creativity displayed on the site has inspired several novels, short films, and even a couple of video games. The most popular example is Remedy Entertainment's Control, where players encounter anomalous entities and the reports on these are written in the same style as the reports found on the SCP Foundation site. SCP- Containment Breach, released in 2012, is also very popular and features a few iconic SCPs.

Hopefully, gamers have not seen the last of the SCP Foundation's influence on gaming, as the fictional universe has a cornucopia of ideas worthy of being explored further. Of the hundreds of SCPs that have been created over the years, many are creative and complex enough to carry entire games on their own, if given the chance. In the hands of the right developers, they would become some of the most iconic villains in gaming.

SCP-3008: The Infinite Ikea Store


Everyone has had the frustrating experience of being lost in a large mall. When the hunt for the right exit goes on for long enough, it can become a genuinely anxiety-inducing ordeal that feels like never-ending torture. SCP-3008 takes this feeling to the max, trapping innocent shoppers in a dangerous, mind-bending maze. On the outside, the SCP looks like an ordinary Ikea store, luring unsuspecting shoppers to its doors. When they enter, they discover that the inside is far larger than what is suggested by its exterior appearance. In fact, it goes on forever.

Shoppers who have been trapped in the infinite Ikea have formed little tribes within the strange store, defending themselves against the faceless Ikea employees that become hostile at night. The lost shoppers are able to keep themselves alive by feasting on the meatballs that are served during the day. Though it appears silly at first, SCP-3008 is potentially the scariest of the lot due to how easy it is to become its victim.

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SCP-3008's potential as a video game setting is obvious. With a little procedural generation, it could easily become a terrifying roguelike with some survival horror elements thrown in. The Ikea employees would make for good enemies, although a little variety in their types would likely be necessary.

SCP-108: The Old Man


Of all the SCPs that would make good video game antagonists, The Old Man is one of the scariest. As the name suggests, the entity looks like an old man, though it has decomposing flesh. Most of the time, it is dormant, and it is capable of remaining motionless or suspending itself upside down for days at a time. Without warning, it will suddenly hunt for human victims, killing them in gruesome ways and sometimes storing them in its pocket dimension to torture them later.

It is near impossible to contain SCP-108 because it produces a corrosive substance that breaks down any material it comes into contact with. The entity is also able to move through walls and vanish into solid material. It has been noted that physical attacks have no effect on The Old Man, and it does not seem to hunt out of hunger, but rather for the sadistic thrill of it. Escaping from this terrifying SCP would make for a toe-curling horror game, and its abilities would make it a formidable foe.

SCP-4666: The Yule Man


The holiday season is usually regarded as a festive time, though Christmas can be bloodied by The Yule Man. The entity looks like an old, skinny man who is always nude. During the holiday season, it may enact Weissnacht Events, which involve it killing entire families except for the children, which it kidnaps. Before the murders, children will report seeing the entity around their family's home, and an unpleasant odor will pervade the house. In rare cases, no murders will occur, and instead, the family will find toys crafted from the remains of human children.

As frightening as The Yule Man is, it is made more terrifying by the fact that it has yet to be contained. A game where players finally bring this SCP's reign of terror to an end would be a gripping one, though there is no telling whether containment of this being is even possible.

SCP-3213: Carl Prosser

Sealeo in the pokemon anime

Not all SCPs are terrifying, and some entries can be hilarious. Among the many mend-bending horrors, there are a couple of nice and harmless SCPs such as the Tickle Monster. One of the more light-hearted SCPs is Carl Prosser, who is a 44-year-old male that appears normal on the surface. However, when he is around any seals, they will suddenly become sentient and will vocalize verbal abuse towards him. If Carl does not flee, the seals will eventually attack him. A game where players take control of Carl as he attempts to escape from hostile seals would make for a hilarious adventure game.

The world of the SCP Foundation continues to be expanded upon, though many fans argue that the quality of new entries has declined in recent years. Nevertheless, the history of the fictional world is more captivating than many existing horror franchises, and past monsters will surely continue to inspire artists and game developers. Whether one is interested in the Lovecraftian cosmic horrors that lurk in the shadows, or whether one wishes to discover some of the cutest and most unexplainable entities ever imagined, the SCP Foundation has something for all.

Control is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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