One of the highlights of the exciting Super Smash Bros. Ultimate presentation that showed off Kazuya was the introduction of several new Mii Fighter costumes. Among these were Dante, a highly requested character that many hoped to see as an actual fighter, Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia, and even the Dragonborn from Skyrim. It's no secret that memes are an important part of The Elder Scrolls, and it seems that even Sakurai himself is getting in on the fun. As the latest in a long line of screenshots shared by the esteemed creator, players get to see an iconic Skyrim meme come true in Super Smash Bros.

The Dragonborn costume is for Mii Swordfighters, as this most closely represents what the character was capable of in SkyrimSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate players may not have access to shouts as the Dragonborn, but there's still plenty of fun to be had in other ways with the character. Sakurai takes the first jab with a classic "arrow to the knee" joke.

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When Skyrim first released back in 2011, one strange thing that stood out was how nearly every guard would tell the player that they used to be an adventurer too until they took an arrow to the knee. What resulted was a spiral of jokes parodying the situation, Dragonborns all over Skyrim shooting guards in the knee, and a meme that seems as hard to kill as the Dragonborn himself. Although arrows don't lodge themselves in targets in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Sakurai was still able to replicate the unfortunate event with a well timed pause and screenshot.

Judging by the effects around the attack, it's safe to say that this wound might be enough to put the Dragonborn out of their adventuring lifestyle, and given how quick Sakurai was to make this joke, it's also likely that he has been waiting for quite some time to do it. The arrow itself probably comes from Link, as he's the only character with a bow that uses standard arrows such as these. Why Link has it out for the Dragonborn remains to be seen.

It probably won't be long until other memes from Skyrim start making their way into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, with players stealing sweet roll healing items from the Dragonborn and the like. Players wanting to get in on the action with Dragonborn, Dante, Lloyd Irving, and Kazuya can do so now by purchasing the DLC or the Fighters Pass.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now on Switch.

MORE: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: All New Mii Costumes for Version 12.0