Marshall Defense Industries, simply referred to as Marshalls, is one of the enemy factions Saints Row players will face. They'll also need to contend with the motorhead gang of Los Panteros and the anticapitalist Idols, but Marshall may present the biggest threat. That's because it's not a gang, it's a private military.

Saints Row is rebooting the franchise, putting players into a time when the Saints don't exist and watching them rise in a new city, Santo Ileso. With Saints Row's release date nearing, many may be curious about these factions, and Marshall is pretty interesting.

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Marshall Defense Industries: A Private Military

saints row marshalls

As a private military corporation, fans will be contending with better-equipped enemies and powerhouses. Publicly, Marshall has enough lawyers and a powerful enough PR team that the world seems to think it's all on the up and up, but of course, no one is in the world of Saints Row. The one thing Marshall cannot hide is the state of Santo Ileso. If Marshall's backyard isn't controlled, that hurts its worldwide reputation, and Marshall can't have that. Throw in the fact that the Saints are aiming to be their own Bosses, and it's a powder keg for a face-to-face. Marshall does exert a lot of control over the town, though, as Marshall Defense Industries powerhouses its way through local business. Marshall Defense Industries will have the best guns, the latest tech, and the forces to be the biggest threat Saints will face.

The Boss vs. Atticus Marshall

atticus marshall

Of course, the fight between the Marshalls and the Saints is more than just a play on power; it's the showdown between two bosses. The new Saints Row boss is a former Marshall employee, and throughout the early events of the game, they will complete some contracts for Marshall. Not enough to pay the rent in Santo Ileso, though, resulting in the Boss' continued criminal activities. Still, the Boss and CEO Atticus Marshall will come face to face, and it'll be interesting to see how this plays out in terms of story and one Boss vs. another.

On the surface, Marshall is a weapon-selling Rancher, but below the surface, he's not afraid to get his army's hands dirty. Whereas the new Boss operates with Eli, Kevin, Neenah, and the whole gang in mind, Marshall operates for Marshall alone. While there are other contenders trying to shape the future of Santo Ileso, again Los Panteros and The Idols, the Saints' hardest fight may be against this private military.

Saints Row releases on August 23 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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