The November patch for the PvP survival game Rust brings a couple of new additions to the open world, as well as the usual bug fixes. Considered by many to be one of the most brutal survival games around, Facepunch Studios' release is well known for having a cavalcade of players with itchy trigger fingers, not to mention an environment that could just as easily wipe out newcomers. While this may be off-putting to some, the unforgiving gameplay elements have made it a sleeper success in the genre.

Given how tough it can be to survive, there are a lot of tips for playing Rust, especially for beginners. The opening portions of the game are particularly nasty, with players waking up completely naked on an island potentially swarming with bloodthirsty users who'd sooner kill than form an alliance. Even without other people to contend with, the world is inhabited by vicious wildlife, and it can only take a moment for newbies to succumb to an attack. And that's if they don't dehydrate or starve to death first.

RELATED: Rust August Update Adds More to Above-Ground Railway, Improves Lighting, etc.

It's this brutality that gives the game its appeal, and the developer is consistently putting out patches to implement new ideas and items. In November's update, Rust sees another weapon added to the title, a new sidearm called the Prototype 17. Not only is it a "deadly" pistol that has a magazine capacity of 18, it can also fire in three-round bursts, because the game isn't hard enough as it is. Alongside this, there's also a new train carriage, which is suitable for those who want to relax with some gambling. The caboose contains a poker table, two slot machines, and a new blackjack computer which can "handle 1-3 players." The update also removes the game's Halloween features.

Of course, like all good Rust updates that have rolled out in the past, this one also comes with a number of bug fixes and quality-of-life changes. This doesn't mean the game is any less difficult. In fact, September's patch came with a new, yet thankfully optional, "Hardcore Mode," for those that are really a glutton for punishment.

Though Rust is undoubtedly offers an unrelenting experience, it's also a survival game with a lot of replay value. With its crafting mechanics and ability to team up with friends to increase safety, its difficulty can be forgiven once players manage to make progress. Then again, it's probably its brutal nature that keeps players coming back for more.

The full patch notes are as follows:


• Added caboose casino train carriage

• Added Project 17 burst fire pistol


• New HLOD monument rendering system

• Added a slight text shadow to item counts on belt bar to better stand out in bright environments

• Snow Machine now has IO inputs (identical to Strobe Light/Fog Machine)

• Added option to limit FPS in Main Menu to 60fps

• Refresh respawn options if you've been assigned a sleeping bag while dead, no longer need to respawn and then die again

• Added global.hideinteracttextwhileads to hide the interact text while aiming a weapon

• Perf 6 shows total CPU time

• Perf 7 shows unity's CPU time

• Scrap helicopter driver marked hostile when crushing players in safe zone

• Widened the trigger volumes on the work carts and locomotive, to allow for standing safely on the side rails


• Fixed furnace workshop icons getting an unintended halo effect

• Fixed Water Barrels and Fluid Switches draining 1 power when connected to a battery powered circuit

• Fixed missing sfx when igniting/extinguishing the skull fire pit

• Fixed some cases where the Research Table would show incorrect info when inserting tools from the Lumberjack pack

• Fixed debug.showworldinfoinperformancereadout not working for non-admins

• Fixed xor not reducing passthrough by 1

• Fixed memory cell not reducing passthrough by 1

• Fixed splitters not updating power when output is destroyed

• Fixed nav mesh stalling server for 250ms when being generated

• Fixed NRE in combatlog on modded servers

• Fixed flashlight & laser attachments not working in turrets

• Fixed team members not always showing up when giving auth on bags / turrets

• Fixed missing colliders when modular car rear seats are placed at the front of the vehicle

• Fixed a bug where train cars could merge inside each other after uncoupling


• Halloween

Rust is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: 8 Best Survival Games Where The Only Goal Is To Last As Long As Possible

Source: Rust