Clockwork games, or games involving time and multiple runs, have seen a huge resurgence in recent times, with more and more developers willing to experiment with new ideas within the space. While the genre had been a prominent one in the Indie scene with games like Minit, many bigger studios have been found trying to add these elements into their titles.

Undoubtedly, the two biggest elephants in the room seem to be Housemarque's Returnal and Arkane Studios' Deathloop. While the latter is yet to release, there are quite a few lessons that it can take from Returnal which is now possible thanks to the recent delay.

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Returnal's Average Run Time

returnal combat against enemies with yellow logo

Returnal uses its clockwork element(or time loop) to explain the roguelike nature of the game, as the protagonist Selene is seemingly trapped in an endless cycle of death and subsequent rebirths in an effort to find the secrets of the planet Atropos. The game has been generally well-received with many critics citing it to be easily Housemarque's best title to date.

However, Returnal's average run time has come under scrutiny by many fans. Each run in Returnal can last up to a couple of hours, as players are frequently encouraged to backtrack and explore optional areas in search of better gear. This elongated duration of each run has become a chore for many fans, as death means a hard reset, and there is no way to save one's game during a run.

Returnal is definitely a great experience, but the elongated runs are at odds with the popular roguelike design. Housemarque has announced that it would address these issues, but Deathloop needs to make sure that such inconveniences are absent from the get-go. While many gamers would be excited to jump into Deathloop later this year, others might be worried due to Returnal's unforgiving save system which makes a strong point for Arkane to convey such information clearly to gamers.

Difficulty Options; Or Lack Thereof

There has been a recent trend in the industry, wherein every difficult game's release is surrounded by discussions regarding an easy mode. While it's best not to comment on Returnal's lack of difficulty options, one has to give props to Housemarque for making the bold choice of making Returnal(a high-profile PS5 exclusive) as unforgiving as it needed to be.

Arkane Studios, on the other hand, has a track record of giving players with multiple difficulties in the Dishonored series. Deathloop would probably not be as demanding as Returnal when it comes to combat, as Deathloop's challenge comes from performing all of its assassinations before the timer runs out. This is more akin to a puzzle rather than a careful dance of strikes and dodges that players are expected to perfect in a game like Returnal. Regardless, it's best that Arkane Studios retains its decision about difficulty options(or lack thereof) in Deathloop so as to provide all players with the intended experience.

Returnal is available now on PS5.

MORE: Returnal: Every Boss Ranked By Their Difficulty